zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie warunków technicznych dozoru technicznego, jakim powinny odpowiadać zbiorniki bezciśnieniowe i niskociśnieniowe przeznaczone do magazynowania materiałów ciekłych zapalnych
Na podstawie art. 8 ust. 4 ustawy z dnia 21 grudnia 2000 r. o dozorze technicznym (Dz. U. Nr 122, poz. 1321, z późn. zm. zarządza się, co następuje:
§ 1. W rozporządzeniu Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 18 września 2001 r. w sprawie warunków technicznych dozoru technicznego, jakim powinny odpowiadać zbiorniki bezciśnieniowe i niskociśnieniowe przeznaczone do magazynowania materiałów ciekłych zapalnych (Dz. U. Nr 113, poz. 1211) wprowadza się następujące zmiany:
1) § 10 otrzymuje brzmienie:
§ 10. 1. Zbiornik umiejscowiony, którego pojemność wynosi powyżej 2.5 m3, o ile przepisy odrębne nie stanowią inaczej, powinien być wyposażony w urządzenie lub system sygnalizujące powstanie wycieku i urządzenie lub system zabezpieczające przed przenikaniem czynnika roboczego do gruntu oraz do wód powierzchniowych i gruntowych.
2. Jako urządzenia i systemy sygnalizujące powstanie wycieku, o których mowa w ust. 1, mogą być stosowane:
1) system monitorowania przestrzeni międzydennej w zbiornikach naziemnych o osi pionowej,
2) system monitorowania przestrzeni międzyściennej w zbiornikach podziemnych i naziemnych o osi poziomej,
3) inne urządzenia i systemy, dopuszczone do stosowania przez organ właściwej jednostki dozoru technicznego.
3. Jako urządzenia i systemy zabezpieczające, o których mowa w ust. 1, mogą być stosowane:
1) dla zbiorników naziemnych:
a) podwójne dno dla zbiorników o osi pionowej,
b) podwójna ścianka dla zbiorników o osi poziomej,
c) zbiornik rezerwowy,
d) obwałowanie,
e) taca,
f) szczelne pomieszczenie, w którym znajduje się zbiornik, o ile drzwi umieszczono na odpowiedniej wysokości,
2) dla zbiorników podziemnych:
a) geomembrana,
b) podwójna ścianka,
c) zbiornik rezerwowy,
d) obudowa betonowa,
3) inne urządzenia i systemy, dopuszczone do stosowania przez organ właściwej jednostki dozoru technicznego.
4. Urządzenie i system zabezpieczające, o których mowa w ust. 1, powinny być tak zaprojektowane i zbudowane, aby w przypadku powstania wycieku w zbiorniku wyciek ten został zatrzymany przez to urządzenie lub system i aby nie doszło do skażenia środowiska.'';
2) § 73 otrzymuje brzmienie:
§ 73. 1. Zbiorniki podziemne oraz zbiorniki naziemne stykające się z gruntem, z zastrzeżeniem ust. 2 i 3, wykonane ze stali węglowych lub stopowych, zabezpiecza się przed działaniem korozji poprzez stosowanie ochrony katodowej spełniającej kryteria określone w Polskich Normach.
2. Ochrona katodowa nie jest wymagana, jeżeli zewnętrzna powierzchnia ścianek zbiornika, o którym mowa w ust. 1, ma powłokę ochronną, której szczelność w czasie użytkowania jest potwierdzana przez jej monitorowanie.
3. Wymagania dotyczące ochrony przed korozją zbiorników w bazach i stacjach paliw płynnych, w zakresie stosowania przepisy dotyczące warunków technicznych, jakim powinny odpowiadać bazy i stacje paliw płynnych.
§ 2. Rozporządzenie wchodzi w życie po upływie 14 dni od dnia ogłoszenia.
amending Regulation on the technical specifications of technical inspection, which should correspond to the non-pressure and low pressure tanks designed for the storage of liquid materials, anti-inflammatoryOn the basis of article. 8 paragraph 1. 4 of the Act of 21 December 2000 on the technical dozorze (Journal of laws No. 122, item 1319, as amended – is managed as follows:§ 1. In the regulation of the Minister of economy of 18 September 2001 on technical conditions of technical inspection, which should correspond to the non-pressure and low pressure tanks designed for the storage of liquid materials, anti-inflammatory (Journal of laws No. 111, item 1211) is amended as follows:1) § 10 shall be replaced by the following:§ 10. 1. the location of the Tank, which capacity is above 2.5 m3, unless otherwise provided in the separate, should be equipped with a device or system to signal the emergence of the leak and the equipment or protective system against the infiltration of the working factor into the ground and surface water and groundwater.2. the devices and systems signal the emergence of leakage referred to in paragraph 1. 1, may be used:1) międzydennej space monitoring system in ground-based on the vertical axis,2) międzyściennej space monitoring system in the underground and above-ground on the horizontal axis, 3) other devices and systems, to be used by the competent body of technical inspection.3. As security equipment and systems, referred to in paragraph 1. 1, may be used:1) for ground storage tanks:a) double bottom tanks for about the vertical axis,b) double wall for tanks with horizontal axis,c) standby tankd) retrenchment,e) tray,f) air-tight room where the tank, unless the door is placed at the correct height,2) for underground storage tanks:a) geomembrana,b) double wallc) standby tankd) paved, housing3) other devices and systems, to be used by the competent body of technical inspection.4. The device and security system, referred to in paragraph 1. 1 shall be so designed and constructed that, in the event of a leak in the tank the leak was stopped by a device or system, and that there is no contamination of the environment. ''.2) section 73 shall be replaced by the following:§ 73. 1. Reservoirs underground and aboveground tanks in contact with the ground, subject to the provisions of paragraph 2. 2 and 3, made of carbon steel or alloyed, shall be protected against corrosion by cathodic protection meets the criteria set out in the standards.2. Cathodic Protection is not required if the outer surface of the tank walls, referred to in paragraph 1. 1, has a protective coating, the tightness during use is confirmed by its monitoring.3. The requirements for protection against corrosion of the tanks for liquid fuels and stations, within the scope of application of the provisions relating to technical conditions, which should correspond to the base and service stations.§ 2. This Regulation shall enter into force after the expiry of 14 days from the date of the notice.

amending the Regulation on technical conditions of technical inspection to be met by non-pressure and low-pressure tanks for storage of flammable liquids
Pursuant to art. 8 paragraph. 4 of the Act of 21 December 2000. On technical inspection (Dz. U. No 122, item. 1321, as amended. D. Is hereby ordered as follows:
§ 1. The Regulation of the Minister of Economy of 18 September 2001. in on the technical requirements of technical inspection to be met by non-pressure and low-pressure tanks for liquid inflammable materials (Dz. U. No 113, item. 1211) is amended as follows:
1) § 10 shall read as follows:
§ 10. 1. The reservoir located whose capacity is in excess of 2.5 m3, if separate provisions provide otherwise, it should be equipped with a device or system indicating the formation of leakage and device or system to prevent penetration of the working medium into the soil and surface and groundwater.
2. As devices and systems indicating a leak rise referred to in paragraph. 1, can be used:
1) monitoring system międzydennej space in ground tanks with a vertical axis,
2) monitoring system międzyściennej space in underground tanks and above-ground horizontal axis,
3) other devices and systems permitted for use by the authority competent technical inspection unit .
3. As equipment and protective systems referred to in paragraph. 1, can be used:
1) for aboveground tanks:
a) double bottom tanks with a vertical axis,
b) a double wall tanks horizontal axis,
c) reserve tank,
d) the embankment,
e) tray,
f) tight space, where the tank is located, provided the doors placed at the proper height,
2) for underground tanks:
a) geomembrane,
b) a double wall,
c) reserve tank,
d) concrete casing,
3) other devices and systems permitted for use by the authority competent technical inspection unit.
4. The device and system security referred to in paragraph. 1, should be so designed and constructed that in the event of a leak in the tank leak has been stopped by a device or system, and to avoid environmental contamination. ';
2) § 73 shall read as follows:
§ 73. 1. Underground tanks and ground tanks in contact with the ground, subject to paragraph. 2 and 3, made of carbon steel or alloy, are protected from corrosion by applying cathodic protection that meets the criteria specified in the Polish Standards.
2. Cathodic protection is not required if the outer surface of the walls of the tank, referred to in paragraph. 1, has a protective coating that tightness during use is confirmed by its monitoring.
3. The requirements for corrosion protection of tanks in bases and stations of liquid fuels in the application of rules concerning the technical conditions to be met by base stations and liquid fuels.
§ 2. The Regulation shall enter into force after 14 days from the date of publication.

amending Regulation on the technical conditions for technical supervision, which should correspond to non-pressurised tanks and low-pressure is intended for the storage of flammable liquid
on the basis of Article 8 (4) of the Act of 21 December 2000 on technical surveillance applications (OJ. No 122, item 1321, as amended, shall be as follows:
§ 1.The regulation of the Minister of Economy of 18 September 2001 on the technical conditions for technical supervision, which should correspond to non-pressurised tanks and low-pressure is intended for the storage of flammable liquid (OJ No 113, item 1211) is hereby amended as follows:
1) Section 10 is replaced by the following:
§ 10. 1. The tank located,The capacity is greater than 2.5 m3, unless otherwise specified, separate provisions should be equipped with a device or a system to indicate a leak and a device or system- working fluid into the ground and the surface water and groundwater.
2. As devices and systems to indicate a leak, as referred to in paragraph 1,May be used:
1) monitoring system space międzydennej in tanks above ground with a vertical axis,
2) monitoring system międzyściennej space in underground and above ground with horizontal axis,
3) other devices and systems, authorized for use by the competent technical supervision.
3. As devices and safety systems,As referred to in paragraph 1, may be used:
1) for terrestrial receivers:
(a) double bottom tanks for a vertical axis,
b) double wall for tanks with horizontal axis,
c) reserve tank,
d) obwałowanie,
e) tray,
f) sealed in a room, which is located on the tank, how many doors are located at the correct height,
2) for underground tanks:
a) geomembrana,
(b) double wall,
c) reserve tank,
d) housing concrete,
3) other devices and systems, authorized for use by the competent technical supervision.
4. The security referred to in paragraph 1, should be so designed and constructed,To use in the event of a leak in the fuel tank leak was stopped by this device or system and to prevent the contamination of the environment. " ;
2) § 73 is replaced by the following:
§ 73. 1. Underground tanks and ground tanks are in contact with the ground, subject to paragraphs 2 and 3, made of carbon steel or alloy,Protects against corrosion by the use of a cathode-ray meeting the criteria set out in Polish standards.
2. Shadow mask protection is not required, if the external surface walls of the container, as referred to in paragraph 1, is that there are no leaks in the protective coating, which is confirmed by its monitoring.
3.Requirements for protection against corrosion of tanks in the databases and stations liquid fuels, in the application of the provisions on technical conditions, which should correspond to base stations and liquid fuels.
§ 2. Regulation shall enter into force on the expiry of a period of 14 days from the date of notification.