To bardzo dziwne, ale naprawdę można kochać kogoś przez całe życie. Bez względu na to jak daleko ukochanej, to zawsze niesie pamięć serca.
Prawidłowa odpowiedź teraz ok
Nie dziwne, kiedy kogoś kochasz
Nie da się ukryć swoją miłość do życia nigdy
Tak, jest to członek rodziny, jak wiele znaczy dla mnie
Gdybym ci powiedział, moje życie nadal będzie teraz przez jej uśmiech Czy uważasz,
Czy wiesz, jak bardzo tęsknię za Tobą, jak bardzo cię kocham i uwielbiam patrzeć w oczy
Tak kochanie
Kocham Cię bardzo moja serca
Miłego wieczoru Dla ciebie
Tęsknię za tobą moja serca
It's very strange, but really you can love someone for the rest of your life. No matter how far away a loved one, it's always carries the memory of the heart.------------------------------------------------------------------------The correct answer now ok------------------------------------------------------------------------Not strange, when someone you loveYou can not hide your love of life never Yes, it is a member of the family, as means a lot for meIf I told you, my life will continue now by her smile do you think Do you know how much I miss you, how much I love you and I love the look in her eyes Yes loveI love you very much my heartHave a good evening for you I miss you my heart

It's very strange, but you can really love someone for a lifetime. No matter how far the beloved, it always carries the memory of the heart.
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The correct answer is now ok
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No wonder, when you love someone you
can not hide his love for life never
Yes, it is a family member, and means a lot to me
if I told you, my life will continue now by her smile Do you think
you know how much I miss you, how much I love you and I love to look in your eyes
So baby
I love you my heart very
nice evening for you,
I miss you my heart

This is very strange, but you can really love someone for life. No matter how far away your loved one, it always carries memory heart.
correct answer now ok
not strange, when someone you love
It is impossible to hide his love of the never
Yes, it is a member of the family, as well as many other words for me
if I said unto thee, my life will continue now through the smile do you think
do you know how I long for thee, as very very i love you and I love look in your eyes
Yes darling
I love you very my heart
a nice evening for you
i long for thee my heart