4. Nie naleźy umieszczaç armatury zaporowej mię dzy zbiornikiem a urządzeniem oddechowym.
§ 12. 1. Podparcie zbiornika powinno byç tak zaprojektowane, aby podczas transportu, eksploatacji i badań zbiornika powstałe w jego ściankach napręźenia nie przekroczyły wartości dopuszczalnych. Odpornośç ogniowa podpór powinna odpowiadaç wymaganiom określonym w odrębnych przepisach.
2. W celu uniknięcia napręźeń powodowanych siłami dylatacyjnymi wyłącznie jedna podpora powinna byç utwierdzona na stałe. Pozostałe podpory powinny mieç moźliwośç przesuwania się.
3. Podpory powinny byç tak usytuowane, aby nie zakrywały złączy spawanych. W uzasadnionych przypadkach dopuszcza się zakrycie podporami obwodowych złączy spawanych zbiornika, pod warunkiem źe przed zakryciem złącza spawane będą poddawane w 100% badaniom nieniszczącym.
4. Nie naleźy zakrywaç podporami miejsc krzyźowania się złączy spawanych.
5. Liczba podpór zbiornika poziomego powinna byç moźliwie najmniejsza. Podpory zbiornika o średnicy wewnętrznej większej niź 600 mm powinny obejmowaç nie mniej niź 1/3 obwodu zbiornika.
6. Podpory zbiornika pionowego zamocowane do części walcowej powinny byç umieszczone moźliwie najbliźej tworzącej części walcowej zbiornika.
7. Podpora zajmująca cały obwód zbiornika pionowego powinna mieç otwór lub otwory umoźliwiające dokonanie czynności związanych z eksploatacją, obsługą i badaniami zbiornika.
§ 13. W zbiorniku naleźy zaprojektowaç otwory inspekcyjne, które będą umoźliwiały oględziny wewnętrzne zbiornika, jego czyszczenie, naprawę i wykonanie badań, lub określiç metody badania jego wewnętrznych powierzchni. W przypadku zastosowania włazu jako otworu inspekcyjnego powinien on mieç średnicę wewnętrzną co najmniej 600 mm.
§ 14. Wewnętrzna powłoka ochronna zbiornika metalowego powinna mieç odpowiednią wytrzymałośç, elastycznośç i odpornośç mikrobiologiczną oraz przylegaç na całej powierzchni do metalu.
§ 15. Zewnętrzne powłoki ochronne powinny byç wykonywane i badane w sposób określony w odrębnych przepisach i dokumentacji technicznej zbiornika lub dokumentacji dotyczącej instalacji.
§ 16. 1. Jeźeli jest wymagane posadowienie zbiornika na fundamencie, fundament ten powinien byç wykonany zgodnie z przepisami prawa budowlanego, a w przypadku lokalizacji takiego zbiornika na terenach występowania szkód górniczych, zgodnie z wymaganiami określonymi w przepisach prawa geologicznego i górniczego.
4. on the other hand Not pasted and fittings blocked me between the tank and the breathing device.§ 12. 1. Support the tank should be designed so that during transport, operation and testing of the tank in its napręźenia walls do not exceed the limit values. Odpornośç fire support should adhere to the requirements set out in separate provisions.2. in order to avoid napręźeń caused by the forces of the high-end sector with only one leg should be restrained. Other props should have moźliwośç move.3. The support shall be positioned so as not to obstruct the welds. In justified cases, the CAP may be peripheral supports of welds, provided that before the zakryciem welded joints shall be 100% to non-destructive testing.4. on the other hand Not zakrywaç supports krzyźowania places like welds.5. The number of supports horizontal tank should be moźliwie. Support the tank with an inside diameter greater than 600 mm should obejmowaç not less than 1/3 of the tank circuit.6. Supports the vertical tank mounted to a cylindrical part should be placed moźliwie najbliźej forming the cylindrical part of the tank.7. dealing with Support all the vertical tank circuit should have a hole or holes umoźliwiające to carry out activities related to the operation, maintenance and testing of the tank.§ 13. In the tank it is necessary zaprojektowaç inspection holes, which will be umoźliwiały Visual inspection of the Interior of the tank, cleaning, repair and execution of research, or określiç methods of testing its internal surfaces. In the case of the hatch as the inspection hole should have an internal diameter of at least 600 mm.§ 14. The inner coating of the metal tank should have the appropriate wytrzymałośç, elastycznośç, and odpornośç and microbial przylegaç on the entire surface to the metal.§ 15. External protective coating should be performed and examined in the manner specified in separate regulations and technical documentation or documentation on the installation.§ 16. 1. If the tank Foundation is required on a Foundation, the Foundation should be made in accordance with the provisions of the construction law, and, in the case of location of such tank in the occurrence of mining damage in accordance with the requirements set out in the geological and mining law.

4. Do not place me stop valve between the tank and breathing apparatus.
§ 12. 1. The support of the tank should be designed so that during transport, operation and testing of the tank caused tension in its walls did not exceed the limit values. Fire resistance of supports should correspond to the requirements set out in separate regulations.
2. In order to avoid stress caused by the forces of dilatation only one support should be restrained permanently. The remaining props should be able to move up.
3. Supports should be positioned so as to not cover welded joints. In justified cases to cover the supports of the tank circumferential welds, provided that, before covering the welded joints will be subject to a 100% non-destructive testing.
4. Do not cover supports the cross point of welded joints.
5. The number of supports horizontal tank should be kept to a minimum. Supports tank with an internal diameter greater than 600 mm should cover not less than 1/3 of the circumference of the tank.
6. Supports vertical tank attached to the cylindrical part should be as close to forming a cylindrical portion of the tank.
7. Support occupying the entire circumference of the vertical tank should have a hole or holes for performing acts related to the operation, maintenance and testing of the tank.
§ 13. The tank should be designed inspection openings that will allow internal inspection of the tank, the cleaning, repair and execution of research, or specify Test Method its internal surface. When used as an opening inspection hatch should have an internal diameter of at least 600 mm.
§ 14. The inner protective coating metal container should have sufficient strength, elasticity and resistance to microbial and adhere to the entire surface of the metal.
§ 15. The outer protective coating should be made and tested in the manner set out in separate regulations and technical documentation of the tank or the setup documentation.
§ 16. 1. If the tank foundation is required on the foundation, the foundation should be made in accordance with the provisions of construction law, and if the location of the tank in the areas of occurrence mining damage, in accordance with the requirements laid down by law geological and mining.

4. Not naleźy umieszczaç sluice-gate fittings between the reservoir and the breathing.
§ 12. 1. The tank should be designed in such a way that, during transport, operation and testing the resulting in the walls napręźenia do not exceed limit values. Odpornośç firewall supports should odpowiadaç requirements specified in separate provisions.
2.In order to avoid napręźeń dylatacyjnymi forces caused only one support should be established on a permanent basis. Other support should mieç moźliwośç move.
3. Supports should be located so as to not cover of welded joints. In duly justified cases, it may be acceptable loss peripheral bearings welded tank connectors,Provided źe before covering welded joints shall be subject to the 100% to non-destructive testing.
4. Not naleźy zakrywaç stays krzyźowania places are of welded joints.
5. Number of bearings horizontal tank should be moźliwie the smallest. Tank Support with an internal diameter of 600 mm should more niź obejmowaç not less niź 1/3 tank circuit.
6.Stay vertical tank mounted on the cylindrical part should be placed moźliwie najbliźej forming part cylindrical tank.
7. Support for the vertical tank circuit should mieç umoźliwiające hole or holes to operations associated with the operation, maintenance and research tank.
§ 13. In the reservoir naleźy zaprojektowaç inspection openings,That will be umoźliwiały internal visual inspection, tank cleaning, repair and perform the test, or test method określiç its internal surface. In the case of inspection hatch opening as it should mieç inside diameter at least 600 mm.
§ 14. Internal coating metal reservoir should mieç appropriate wytrzymałośç,Elastycznośç and odpornośç przylegaç microbiological and the entire surface of the metal.
§ 15. External protective coating shall be carried out and tested in the manner laid down in separate provisions and technical documentation or tank installation documentation.
§ 16. 1. Jeźeli tank mounting is required on the foundation,The foundation should be constructed in accordance with the law, and in the case of tank location in the areas of mining damage, in accordance with the requirements set out in the laws of geological and mining equipment.