Kampania to jeden, mały aspekt tego co oferuje nam BF4, bo powiedzmy sobie szczerze, że to dlaczego większość z nas gra w Battielfield 4 to multiplayer. Poprzednia część to ponad 500h spędzonych na polu bitwy w moim wykonaniu, tym razem może być podobnie. Choć początki są ciężkie, sporo błędów, niedoskonałości, problemy techniczne, to widać, że w Battielfield 4 drzemie ogromny potencjał i za pewne będzie rozwijany przez wiele miesięcy po premierze. Wyjdzie kilka dodatków (osobiście czekam najbardziej na coś ala Close Quarters - Walka w Zwarciu), jeszcze więcej patchów i mini usprawnień. Jak dla mnie bomba. Spodziewajcie się wielu gameplayów z Battlefield 4 Multiplayer, gdzie gram snajperem. Tych, którzy chcą zagrać razem ze mną odsyłam na live
The campaign is one small aspect of what offers us the BF4, because let's be honest, that's why most of us playing in the Battielfield 4 is the multiplayer. The previous part of over 500 hours spent on the battlefield in my performance, this time may be the same. Although the origins are heavy, quite a few errors, imperfections, technical problems, it can be seen that the Battielfield 4 is a huge potential and for some will be developed for many months after the release. Come out a few additives (personally I look forward most to ala something Close Quarters-fight in close quarters), yet more patches and improvements. As for me, a bomb. Expect a lot of gameplayów with Battlefield 4 Multiplayer, where I play sniper. Those who want to play with me I refer to live

The campaign is one small aspect of what it offers us BF4, because let's be honest, that's why most of us are playing a multiplayer Battielfield 4. Previous part is over 500h spent on the battlefield in my performance, this time may be the same. Although the beginnings are tough, a lot of mistakes, imperfections, technical problems, it is seen that in Battielfield 4's huge potential and for some will be developed for many months after its release. Come out a few extras (personally am looking forward the most to something ala Close Quarters - close combat), more patches and mini improvements. As for me the bomb. Expect many gameplayów of Battlefield 4 Multiplayer, where I play sniper. Those who want to play with me refer you to live

The campaign is one, a small aspect of what gives us BF4, because, that is why most of us game in Battielfield 4 is multiplayer. Previous part is 500 h spent on the battlefield in my, this time may be similar. Although the beginnings are heavy, a lot of mistakes, imperfections, technical problems, this can be seen,That slumber in Battielfield 4 huge potential and for some will be developed for many months after the premiere. Leave a few additives (personally I'm looking forward most to something ala close quarters - The combat in short), even more patchów and mini improvements. As for me a bomb. So expect many gameplayów with Battlefield 4 multiplayer, where gram snajperem. These,When you want to play with me where to live