§ 22. Help the tanks can be made of materials specified by the designer. In the selection of these materials designer kierowaç should be for reasons of safety and reliability, and in particular:
1) weldability, jeźeli ancillary elements are to be welded to the wall of the vessel or between each other,
2) resistance to the fluid in the tank and surrounding atmosphere warehouse,
3) Characteristics Basic strength tests and other characteristics relevant to the nature of the work.
§ 23. 1. For the manufacture of tanks may be used other materials jeźeli niź referred to in Section 17, shall be eligible for the relevant unit technical supervision.
2.In order to qualify for such material, as referred to in paragraph 1, naleźy przedłoźyç information for:
1) Destination of material,
2) species of material, type of work performed, the range of products, production methods, dimensions, delivery status and parameters provided for heat treatment,
3) Number of Polish standards or technical conditions on the material and products made from it,In which is defined chemical composition and permissible deviations from this composition,
4) required material property, including property,
5) resistance to corrosion or aging,
6) parameters forming process and bonding,
(7) the standards, on the basis of which tests are carried out of the materials, with its number,
(8) the name and composition of the materials, in accordance with the Polish standard output,
9) Type of document issued by the manufacturer. '
Chapter 4
§ 24. Tanks in zaleźności from construction and operating conditions may be wyposaźane in:
1) Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure or a vacuum,
2) Safety devices for protection against overflow,
3) Test & Measurement and signaling,
4) compression fittings,
5) fuses.