To nie jest Tuba o Politykach. Nie o Kaczyńskim, nie o Tusku, nie o Lepperze. Trochę o mnie i trochę o tym, że ludzie stają się ofiarami wizerunku, który sami do siebie wybrali
This is not a Tube about policies. Not about Kaczynski, not Mary, not Lepperze. A little about me and a little bit about the fact that people become victims of the image, which they themselves have chosen
This is not a tube of Policies. That's not Kaczynski, Tusk's not, not Lepperze. A little bit about me and a little bit about the fact that people have become victims of the image, which they chose themselves,
This is not a tube of policies. Not with Kaczynski, not by Tusku, not Lepperze. A little about me and a little bit of this, that people become victims of its image, which they themselves have chosen to each other