Pewien kwartet smyczkowy z Japonii pięknie gra nasze utwory (w filmiku od 1:30), ale nie mają jeszcze nazwy - być może ktoś z Was ma jakiś pomysł? Autor nazwy która otrzyma najwięcej "lajków" otrzyma płytę AtomSPHERE z autografami!
A String Quartet from Japan beautifully playing our songs (video 1:30), but does not have a name yet-maybe someone of you has any idea? The author name that receives the most "likes" will receive a disc AtomSPHERE autographed!
A string quartet from Japan beautifully playing our songs (in a cutscene from 1:30), but do not have a name yet - maybe some of you have any idea? Author names that receives the most "lajków" will receive autographed CD atomsphere!
a string quartet with japan beautiful play our songs (video from 1: 30), but do not yet have names - perhaps you have some idea? author names which will receive the most "lajków" receives a record atomsphere autograph!