Tuż, tuż po Pana przyjeździe do Wrocławia miałem przyjemność spotkać P翻訳 - Tuż, tuż po Pana przyjeździe do Wrocławia miałem przyjemność spotkać P英語言う方法

Tuż, tuż po Pana przyjeździe do Wro

Tuż, tuż po Pana przyjeździe do Wrocławia miałem przyjemność spotkać Pana w sklepiku z prasą w Kauflandzie przy ul. Legnickiej 62 A. Wzbudził Pan moje zainteresowanie bo z portfela wygladały gadżety reklamowe z napisem WKS Śląsk. W pierwszej chwili pomyślałem(ze względu na wzrost), że jest pan koszykarzem :)) Szybko skojarzyłem doniesienia medialne i .... powiedziałem cicho: "Riota Morioki"! Przyjaciele dawniej nazywali mnie szamanem... Co powiedziałem to sie sprawdziło. Synom, z którymi chodzę na mecze WKS Śląsk (osobiście na pierwszym meczu WKS -u byłem na Stadionie Olimpijskim z kuzynami w 1963 r. Śląsk pokonał Legię 4 : 2 !!!) oznajmiłem: mamy snajpera z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Panie Ryota - proszę pograć dla Sląska minimum do 2017 roku. Wówczas Pana czeka nagroda - bardzo dobry kontrakt. Jeżeli odejdzie Pan wcześniej - niekoniecznie aż tak dobry. Życzę dużo zdrowia, kondycji, bramek (na pewno będą równie piękne jak te dotychczas strzelone) oraz miłych wspomnień wyniesionych z Polski.
Lubimy Pana i pilnie obserwujemy Pana przebojową grę na boisku.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Right after the Lord's arrival to Wrocław I had the pleasure of meeting the Lord in the shop with the press in Kauflandzie. Legnica 62 a. raised the Lord my interest because of the portfolio of wygladały gadgets with the inscription WKS Śląsk. At first I thought (due to an increase in), that is Mr. basketball player:)) Quickly flagged it according to media reports and. ... I said quietly: "Riot Morioki"! Friends of the formerly called me a shaman ... What I said is it worked. The sons, with whom I go to matches WKS Śląsk (personally on the first leg of WKS-u I've been at the Olympic Stadium with cousins in 1963 Silesia defeated Legia 4-2!) I: we have a sniper with a real event. Mr. Ryota-please play for Silesia in Poland at least until 2017. Then the Lord will be rewarded-a very good contract. If You leave earlier-not necessarily so good. I wish you much health, fitness, goals (surely will be as beautiful as those not yet scored) and fond memories from Polish.PSWe love the Lord and diligently observe the Lord hit game on the pitch.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Shortly, after the Lord's arrival in Wroclaw I had the pleasure to meet the Lord in the shop with the press in Kauflandzie Street. Legnica 62 A. Lord stirred my interest because of the portfolio to look like gadgets with the inscription WKS Silesia. At first I thought (due to growth) that you are a basketball player :)) quickly reminded media reports .... and said softly: "Riot Morioki"! Friends used to call me a shaman ... What I said, it worked. Sons with whom I go to matches WKS Silesia (in person on the first match WKS -u I was at the Olympic Stadium with cousins ​​in 1963. Silesia defeated Legion 4: 2 !!!) I said: we have a real sniper. Mr. Ryota - please play for Silesia at least until 2017. Then the Lord will be rewarded - a very good deal. If you leave earlier - not necessarily that good. I wish you much health, fitness, goals (for sure will be just as beautiful as those previously shot) and fond memories learned from Polish.
We love the Lord and diligently observe the Lord's blockbuster game on the pitch.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
right after your arrival to wrocławia i had the pleasure of meeting you in shop press in kauflandzie at ul. legnickiej 62 and raised my interest with you. because there was nothing to portfolio items marked ics silesia. i thought at first (due to the increase in) that you are basketball player:)) quickly got media reports and... i said quietly: "riota me"! friends used to call me a witch. what i said it worked. the sons, i go to games ics silesia (in the first game at the olympic stadium in ics - i was with cousins in 1963. silesia defeated the legion 4: 2. !!) i: we got a sniper with real events. mr. yoshio - please play for sląska minimum until 2017. then your reward - very good contract. if you will leave before - not so good. i wish good health, fitness, goals (i will be as beautiful as those not yet scored) and memories gained from poland.spwe like you and watching you feisty game urgently on the field.
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