Zródla zakazenia zwiazane z przemyslowymi systemami wodnymi moga stano翻訳 - Zródla zakazenia zwiazane z przemyslowymi systemami wodnymi moga stano英語言う方法

Zródla zakazenia zwiazane z przemys

Zródla zakazenia zwiazane z przemyslowymi systemami wodnymi moga stanowic zagrozenie nie tylko dia osób zatrudnionych w tych obiektach, ale takze dia mieszkajacych w poblizu. Wykazano to np. w przypadku 86 zachorowan, których przyczyna byl zakazony aerozol wodny, wytwarzany przez wieze chlodnicze rafinerii naftowej we Francji (30). W latach 2002-2007 skazony aerozol wodny pochodzacy z przemyslowych wiez chlodniczych byl przyczyna 44 ognisk legionelozy, obejmujacych 1175 zachorowan (dane Europejskiej Grupy Roboczej ds. Zakazen Legionella) (30).

Doniesienia o przypadkach legionelozy wsród pracowników zakladów przemyslowych dotyczy osób zatrudnionych w róznych galçziach przemyslu, w tym obslugi przemyslowych oczyszczalni scieków (29), pracowników zakladów ceramicznych (19), cukrowni (20), wytwórni urzadzen budowlanych, w której poddawano czyszczeniu elementy metalowe (26), oraz wytwórni silników samochodowych (21). W wodzie technologicznej w powyzszych przypadkach bakterie L. pneumophila byly wykrywane w liczbie od IO3 jtk/ml do IO5 jtk/ml.

W Polsce istnieje obowiazek zglaszania stwierdzonych przypadków legionelozy zgodnie z Ustawaa z dnia 5 grudnia 2008 r. o zapobieganiu oraz zwalczaniu zakazen i chorób zakaznych u ludzi (31). W rozporzadzeniu Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 22 kwietnia 2005 r. w sprawie szkodliwych czynników biologicznych dia zdrowia w srodowisku pracy oraz ochrony zdrowia pracowników zawodowo narazonych na te czynniki, bakterie Legionella spp. i Legionella pneumophila zostaty sklasyfikowane w grupie 2. jako czynniki, które moga wywolac choroby ludzi i byc niebezpieczne día pracowników (32).

Opublikowano Uczne doniesienia o przypadkach zakazen pateczkami Legionella w obiektach przemyslowych (19,25-29). W raporcie z 1996 r. dotyczacym wystçpowania legionelozy w Anglii i WaUi odnotowano 6 zbiorowych zachorowan, które byly nastçpstwem zakazenia pracowników zakladów przemyslowych (27). Podobnie analizujac 19 przypadków zachorowan na postac plucnaa legionelozy, zarejestrowanych w latach 2001-2004 w Trondheim w Norwegii, stwierdzono, ze co naj mniej 4 z nich byly zwiazane z narazeniem w przemysle. W 3 przypadkach bakterie Legionella izolowano z wody z wiez chlodniczych, w jednym - z wody z prysznica na terenie zakladu przemyslowego (18).
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Sources of infection associated with water systems industry can be a threat not only to the dia people employed in these facilities, but also the dia living nearby. It has been shown that for example. in the case of 86, which very little reason was zakazony water spray produced by the oil refinery lowbed towers in France (30). In the years 2002-2007 skazony water spray originates from industrial bond chill was cause 44 outbreaks of legionelozy, covered very little of the European Working Group (1175. Infections of Legionella) (30).Reports of cases of legionelozy among the employees of industrial establishments concern persons employed in various galçziach industry, including industrial wastewater treatment service (29), ceramic production workers (19), sugar (20), record of construction equipment, which have undergone a clean metal parts (26), and the car engine factory (21). Technology in the water of the above cases, the bacteria l. pneumophila were detected in the number of IO3 cfu/ml to IO5 cfu/ml.In Poland there are obliged to report suspected cases identified legionelozy in accordance with Ustawaa of 5 December 2008 for the prevention of and the fight against infections and not a physician in humans (31). In the Ordinance of the Minister of health on 22 April 2005 on the harmful factors in the working environment and health dia biological protection of the health of workers occupationally exposed the on these factors, the bacteria Legionella spp and Legionella pneumophila zostaty classified in Group 2. as factors which can cause the disease of humans and be dangerous día (32).Uczne published reports of cases of pateczkami infections of Legionella in industrial facilities (19,25-27). The 1996 report on wystçpowania legionelozy in England and there has been very little collective 6 WaUi, which were nastçpstwem infection of workers of industrial plants (27). Similarly, analyzing 19 cases very little on character plucnaa legionelozy, registered in 2001-2004 in Trondheim in Norway, it was found that what most less 4 of them were related to the narazeniem in the industry. In 3 cases, isolating Legionella bacteria from the water with bond, chill-out of the water with a shower in the bet industrial (18).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Sources of infection associated with industrial water systems may pose a threat not only dia people employed in these facilities, but also dia living nearby. This was shown eg. In the case of 86 of cases where the cause has been infected water spray, produced by a cooling tower oil refinery in France (30). In 2002-2007 contaminated water spray originates from industrial cooling towers was the cause of 44 outbreaks of Legionnaires 'disease, involving 1,175 illnesses (European Data Working Group. Legionella infections) (30). Reports of cases of Legionnaires' disease among workers industrial plants apply to persons employed in various galçziach industry, including handling industrial wastewater treatment plants (29), employees of ceramics (19), sugar (20), plant construction equipment, which were clean metal parts (26), and record automobile engines (21). In the process water in the above cases L. pneumophila bacteria were detected in a number of IO3 cfu / ml to IO5 cfu / ml. In Poland are obliged to report cases of Legionnaires' disease identified in accordance with Ustawaa of 5 December 2008. Preventing and combating infections and diseases infectious in humans (31). The Ordinance of the Minister of Health of 22 April 2005. On the harmful health dia biological agents in the working environment and the health of workers occupationally exposed to these factors, the bacteria Legionella spp. And Legionella pneumophila zostaty classified in group 2 as factors that may cause human diseases and be dangerous día of workers (32). Published Uczne reported cases of Legionella infections pateczkami in industrial facilities (19,25-29). In a report from 1996. Concerning the occurrence of Legionnaires' disease in England and WaUi recorded 6 collective of cases that were nastçpstwem infection workers industrial plants (27). Similarly, analyzing the 19 cases of Legionnaires' disease plucnaa figure recorded in 2001-2004 in Trondheim, Norway, found that at most less 4 of them were related to exposure in the industry. In 3 cases of Legionella bacteria isolated from water cooling towers in one - with water from the shower in the area of industrial plant (18).

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Resources zakazenia przemyslowymi associated with water systems can represent zagrozenie not only dia people employed at these facilities, but also dia that live nearby. It has been shown that if, for example, 86 zachorowan, whose cause was zakazony water aerosol, produced by a couple of refrigeration gas refineries in France (30).In the years 2002-2007 skazony aqueous aerosol pochodzacy Wiez chlodniczych was cause of industrial goods, which include 1175 zachorowan legionelozy 44 outbreaks (the European Working Group on Legionella Zakazen) (30) .

legionelozy reports of cases among employees establishments industrial goods for persons employed in different galçziach pharma industry,In the sewage treatment plant scieków supporting industrial goods (29), employees establishments ceramics (19), (20), a sugar factory construction, in which devices were cleaning metal parts (26), and a car engines (21). In water technology as above in cases bacteria L. serogroup were detected in the number of the IO3 cfu/ml to IO5 cfu/ml.

In Poland there is a obligation claiming legionelozy identified cases in accordance with Ustawaa of 5 December 2008 on the prevention and combating zakazen zakaznych and diseases in humans (31). laid down by regulation Minister of Health of 22 April 2005 concerning the harmful biological agents dia health in a work and the protection of the health of workers professionally narazonych on these factors,Bacteria Legionella spp. and Legionella serogroup zostaty classified in group 2. as factors that can call up disease to humans and be dangerous día employees (32) .

Uczne published reports of zakazen pateczkami Legionella outbreaks in facilities industrial goods (19,25-29). In the report of 1996 that summarizes wystçpowania legionelozy in England and there were 6 collective WaUi zachorowan,Which were nastçpstwem zakazenia employees establishments industrial goods (27). Similarly, analizujac 19 cases zachorowan plucnaa legionelozy, the form of registered in the period 2001-2004, Trondheim in Norway, it has been found that every orm less 4 of them were associated with narazeniem in electronics and electrical equipment. In 3 cases, bacteria isolated from the water with Legionella Wiez chlodniczych,In one - the water from the shower in zakladu przemyslowego (18).
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