Resources zakazenia przemyslowymi associated with water systems can represent zagrozenie not only dia people employed at these facilities, but also dia that live nearby. It has been shown that if, for example, 86 zachorowan, whose cause was zakazony water aerosol, produced by a couple of refrigeration gas refineries in France (30).In the years 2002-2007 skazony aqueous aerosol pochodzacy Wiez chlodniczych was cause of industrial goods, which include 1175 zachorowan legionelozy 44 outbreaks (the European Working Group on Legionella Zakazen) (30) .
legionelozy reports of cases among employees establishments industrial goods for persons employed in different galçziach pharma industry,In the sewage treatment plant scieków supporting industrial goods (29), employees establishments ceramics (19), (20), a sugar factory construction, in which devices were cleaning metal parts (26), and a car engines (21). In water technology as above in cases bacteria L. serogroup were detected in the number of the IO3 cfu/ml to IO5 cfu/ml.
In Poland there is a obligation claiming legionelozy identified cases in accordance with Ustawaa of 5 December 2008 on the prevention and combating zakazen zakaznych and diseases in humans (31). laid down by regulation Minister of Health of 22 April 2005 concerning the harmful biological agents dia health in a work and the protection of the health of workers professionally narazonych on these factors,Bacteria Legionella spp. and Legionella serogroup zostaty classified in group 2. as factors that can call up disease to humans and be dangerous día employees (32) .
Uczne published reports of zakazen pateczkami Legionella outbreaks in facilities industrial goods (19,25-29). In the report of 1996 that summarizes wystçpowania legionelozy in England and there were 6 collective WaUi zachorowan,Which were nastçpstwem zakazenia employees establishments industrial goods (27). Similarly, analizujac 19 cases zachorowan plucnaa legionelozy, the form of registered in the period 2001-2004, Trondheim in Norway, it has been found that every orm less 4 of them were associated with narazeniem in electronics and electrical equipment. In 3 cases, bacteria isolated from the water with Legionella Wiez chlodniczych,In one - the water from the shower in zakladu przemyslowego (18).