nie masz się czym przejmować. Tak naprawdę odnośnie polityki nie powiedziałeś nic nowego. A z tym zaufaniem to masz rację. W końcu o to walczą. Bo bez zaufania nie dostaną poparcia, z kolei zaufania nie zdobędą bez kłamstw. Ludzie nie lubią słuchać gorzkiej prawdy. Jeżeli któryś polityk teraz wyszedłby i powiedział, że idzie do europarlamentu po pieniądze to by go zlinczowano. Prawda jest taka, że tylko po to idą, bo w europarlamencie nic się nie robi ( istotnego ), a za kulisami rządzą Niemcy i Francja. Ale spośród wszystkich kłamców wolę Korwina. Czasami gada głupoty że aż uszy bolą, ale lepszy on niż banda, która jest aktualnie przy korycie. POZDRAWIAM! I tak nikt nie przeczyta całości bo za długie
you don't have to worry. I really respect the policy didn't say anything new. And with that confidence that you're right. In the end, is struggling. Because without trust would not get support, the trust will not turn without the lies. People don't like to hear the bitter truth. If any politician now stepped out and said that it goes to the European Parliament after the money is to go to zlinczowano. The truth of the matter is that just go, because europarlamencie does nothing (significant), and behind the scenes guided by Germany and France. But of all the liars I prefer Corvine. Sometimes talking about stupidity that until my ears hurt, but better he than banda, who is currently on a riverbed. Best regards! And so no one read the whole because they are too long

you do not have to worry about. In fact, do not tell policy regarding anything new. And with that confidence that you're right. At the end of this fight. Because without trust will not get the support, in turn, will not gain confidence without lies. People do not like to hear the bitter truth. If any politician now stepped out and said he was going to get the money EuropeanParliament it to him lynched. The truth is that just to go, because in the European nothing is done (important), and behind the scenes govern Germany and France. But among all liars will Corvinus. Sometimes talking foolishness that up ears hurt, but he better than the band, which is currently at the trough. POZDRAWIAM! And so no one will read as a whole too long

You don't have to worry about. In fact policy not told anything new. And with the confidence that you're right. At the end of this fight. Because without trust will not get support, in turn trust will not acquire without lies. People don't like to listen to the bitter truth. If a policy would be taken out and he said, NowThat goes for europarlamentu zlinczowano after money to it. Truth is, that only after this go, because in europarlamencie do nothing ( ), a significant behind the scenes are governed by Germany and France. But among all kłamców Korwina wish. Sometimes stupidity that GAD ears until it hurts, but better than Banda, which is currently at trough. Thanks!