Tyle, że dzieciak nie wnika w to, czy masz rację, czy nie. Wchłania w tak młodym wieku wszystko - wierząc w to. Jeżeli chcesz wiedzieć coś więcej, by nie robić dziecku krzywdy, a by wyrosło na człowieka sukcesu - posłuchaj kolego
It's just that kid does not penetrate it whether you're right or not. Absorbed at such a young age all-believing in it. If you want to know something more, so as not to do harm to the child, and that has grown up on a man of success-listen to buddy
It's just that the kid does not penetrate into it, if you're right or not. Absorbed at such a young age all - believing it. If you want to know something more to do harm to the child, and to grow up to be a man of success - listen buddy
So much, that a kid does not penetrates into this, you might be right, or not. absorbs at such a young age everything - believing in this. If you want to know more, so as not to do harm, a child to risen up into the human success - listen to colleague