Piękno zawsze będzie budzić w człowieku pragnienie dotyku i strach że po muśnięciu zapragnie nagle zostawić wszystko i uciec w stronę słońca Pozdrawiam serdecznie . Miłego wieczoru pozdrawiam cieplutko dla ciebie anioł
The beauty will always wake up in a man's desire and fear that after muśnięciu want to suddenly leave everything and flee towards the Sun I cordially greet. Have a nice evening, warmly yours for you Angel
Beauty will always be awake in man desire to touch and fear that the desires are brushed suddenly leave everything and run away in the sun Yours sincerely. Have a nice evening I greet you warmly for angel
The beauty Zawsix will awaken in man Pragmention totyku and fear that when she mentioned zapragnieNag le-guarantee willthis snake allTKO and escape to the sun Greet warmly. a nice evening thanks for you angel cieplutko