Morioka pokazał, że jego mocną stroną są precyzyjne, celne podania. Za翻訳 - Morioka pokazał, że jego mocną stroną są precyzyjne, celne podania. Za英語言う方法

Morioka pokazał, że jego mocną stro

Morioka pokazał, że jego mocną stroną są precyzyjne, celne podania. Zanotował niemal 100 % skuteczność. Niewiele jednak było zagrań, które mogłyby odmienić losy meczu. Widać też było braki fizyczne. Japończyk raczej unikał bezpośrednich starć, szybko podawał, a dryblingi ograniczał do pojedynczych udanych zwodów. Trzykrotnie faulował, raz został ukarany żółtą kartką . Oddał 3 strzały. W I połowie po jego uderzeniu z ostrego kąta piłka nieznacznie minęła bramkę, a w II połowie kopnął piłkę wysoko niczym rugbysta.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Morioka showed that his strengths are precise, customs administration. Recorded almost 100% efficiency. It was, however, little action that could change the fate of the match. You can see it was physical deficiencies. The Japanese would rather avoid direct clashes, quickly gave, and dryblingi done was limited to a single successful launched. Faulował three times, once was a yellow card. Fired 3 shots. In the first half after hitting a ball from a tight angle slightly past the goal in the second half and kicked the ball high like a rugby union player.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Morioka showed that his forte is accurate, the customs administration. He made almost 100% effective. Few, however, were moves that could change the fate of the match. You can see it was a physical deficiencies. Japanese rather avoided direct clashes, quickly handed and dribbling limited to a single successful feints. He fouled three times, once booked for a foul. He gave 3 shots. In the first half of his shot from an acute angle the ball slightly past the gate, and in the second half kicked the ball like rugbysta.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
morioka showed that his forte are precise, customs administration. experienced nearly 100% efficiency. however, little was plays, which could change the game. see also was physical deficiencies. japanese rather avoid direct confrontations, quickly passed, and dryblingi was limited to single successful jobs. three fouls, once punished a yellow card. he gave 3 shots. and half after its impact with acute angle the ball slightly was scored, and in the mid high rugbysta kicked ball like.
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