Rock, weź to sobie do serca to co tu napisze. Gdy jestem smutny, gdy n翻訳 - Rock, weź to sobie do serca to co tu napisze. Gdy jestem smutny, gdy n英語言う方法

Rock, weź to sobie do serca to co t

Rock, weź to sobie do serca to co tu napisze. Gdy jestem smutny, gdy nudzi mi sie albo potrzebuje pocieszenia to oglądam twoje filmy (najczęściej takie jak ten), i zawsze wiem że mnie nie zawiedziesz, że zawsze twój film na mnie pozytywnie zadziała. Masz talent. Wiesz co mówić, jak mówić, wywierasz emocje nad widzami, nadajesz sie do tego co robisz. Dzięki tobie wiem że są ludzie, którzy zawsze pomogą, którzy cie wesprą. Rocku nagrywaj częściej porannego rocka. On zawsze nadaje mojemu dniowi lepszych barw, zmotywuje mnie do życia. Gdy widze nowy film na twym kanale myśle sobie "Nareszcie ! Kolejna dawka emocji", te emocje wywierasz TY, a potem Rojo przyprawia dawką pompy, ale to nie o Roju pisze, tylko o człowieku, który zmienił moje życie oraz innych ludzi. Nigdy się na tobie nie zawiodłem. Pozdrawiam twojego synka oraz śle mu jak najserdeczniejsze życzenia. Mam nadzieje że te 20 minut pisania na tablecie nie pójdzie na marne. Pozdrawiam cie i całe grono czytających to osób, trzymaj sie Rock
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Rock, take this to heart what you write here. When I'm sad, when bored or in need of consolation I watch your movies (the most common such as this), and I always know that I will not be disappointed, that your video will work positively on me. You have talent. You know what to say, how to say, maintain the excitement over viewers, give to what you are doing. Thanks to you I know that there are people who always help who you support. Rock record more rock in the morning. He always makes my day better colors, will motivate me to life. When I see a new video on your channel, I think to myself ' Finally! Another dose of emotion ", these emotions exert through YOU and Rojo flavors dose pump, but it's not about the swarm, writes only about a man who changed my life and other people. Never you I was not disappointed. Greet your son and follow him as the most cordial greetings. I hope that these 20-minute writing tablet will not go in vain. I greet you and a whole bunch of people reading this, hold a Rock
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Rock, take it to heart what you write here. When I'm sad, when I'm bored or need consolation August I watch your videos (most often, such as this one), and I always know that I will not be disappointed that you always your film work for me positively. You have talent. You know what to say, how to say, exerting excitement over the audience, you transmit up for what you do. Thanks to you, I know that there are people who will always help who will support path. Rock rock record often morning. He always better suited to the day my colors, motivate me to life. When I see a new movie channel on thy I think myself, "Finally! Another dose of emotion", these emotions are exerting YOU, then Rojo seasoned dose pump, but that's not the Swarm writes only about a man who changed my life and other people. Never in you I was not disappointed. I greet your son and sends him the best wishes. I hope that these 20 minutes of writing on the tablet is not in vain. Regards leaves and a whole bunch of people reading this, hold on Rock
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Rock, take this to heart is what will write here. When I am sad, when I get bored. or needs consolation is i watch your movies (most such as this), i always know that you don't let me, that always your movie to me positively work. You have talent. You don't know what to say, how to say, you exert emotions of viewers, you got what it takes to it what you are doing. I don't know that you are people,Who always help who you will support. Rock record more morning rock. He always makes my day better color, will motivate me to life. When seeing a new video on your channel enlargements are concerned with "Finally! The next dose of emotions", these emotions you exert you, and then you dose Rojo and village pump, but this is not a swarm writes, only about a man who changed my life and other people.Never to be on thee do i fail. Greet your son and strongly wishes to him as I wish. I hope that these 20 minutes writing on the tablet does not go in vain. Yours Truly, cie and the whole bunch of readers is, keep Rock
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