W podstawowym schemacie w omówionym wyżej wariancie B atakujący A2 ( środkowy ataku) może atakować w pierwsze tempo( wystawienia niskie), drugie tempo (półwysokie) i trzecie tempo ( wysokie) w strefie III.
In the underlying schema in the above mentioned scenario (B) attackingA2 (middle attack) can attack in the first pace (low exposure),the second pace (półwysokie) and third rate (high) in zone III.
In the basic scheme discussed above in Option B attacker A2 (middle attack) can attack in the first pace (issue low), the second rate (Half) and third speed (high) in zone III.
in the basic scheme in which the above variant ba2 (the attack) may engage in the first pace (of low).second rate (półwysokie) and third (high speed) in zone iii.