estescie nienormal.. przecież wiadome jest że sląsk nie stac na dużo l翻訳 - estescie nienormal.. przecież wiadome jest że sląsk nie stac na dużo l英語言う方法

estescie nienormal.. przecież wiado

estescie nienormal.. przecież wiadome jest że sląsk nie stac na dużo lepsza gre aktualnie :(
Wiec nie wiem po co teraz jakies zale, rozpacze i wypisywanie na zawodnikow. Mecz był w miare wyrownany, pawelek popełnił pare błedów a my w ataku nie wykorzystalismy kilka sytuacji (i taki jest tego wynik) :D
Dobry mecz bili, morioka i chyba to wszystko :(
Defensorzy i def.pomocnicy slabo zagrali,zbyt duzo zamieszania w polu karnym (z wisla tez bylo podobnie ze napastnik stoi obok 2 obroncow i oddaje strzal z 5metrow do bramki, gdzie pilka spadala chyba z 2 sec z gory)
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
estescie nienormal. After all, it is known that Silesia can not afford for a much better game currently:(So I do not know now what some depends on, dispair and writing on the athletes. The match was quite wyrownany, pawelek made a few bugs and we shall not attack wykorzystalismy some situation (and this is the result):D Good match ball, morioka, and probably all:(Defensorzy and def. midfielders played poorly, too much confusion in the penalty box (with Everton also was similarly with the attacker standing next to 2 defenders and captures a shot of 5metrow into the goal where the ball spadala probably 2 sec from the top)
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
estescie aberrantly .. Yet it is known that Silesia can not afford to much better the game is currently :(
So I do not know why now jakies dependent, despair and unsubscribe to the fighters. Match been a reasonably balanced, Pawelek committed a few errors in attack and we did not use some situation (and this is the result): D
Good game ball, morioka and I think that's all :(
Defensorzy and def.pomocnicy played poorly, too much confusion in the penalty area (with wisla also was similar with assailant stands beside two defenders and shoots 5metrow of the goal, where the ball fell probably 2 sec from the top)
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
estescie's abnorman! but it is known that sląsk can't afford much better game (currently:so i don't know why now some grievances, rozpacze and writing for athletes. the game was considered pawelek committed some mistakes wheel amidships, and we used several attack situation (and this is the result: d)a game ball, and i think that's it: (moriokadefensorzy and def.pomocnicy doesn't play, too much confusion in the penalty box (with wisla were similarly with the attacker stands next to two obroncow and he shot from 5metrow gate, where the ball spadala - 2 sec of the mountain)
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