Czy będzie to swingujący „Save Your Love for Me” Buddy’ego Johnsona, c翻訳 - Czy będzie to swingujący „Save Your Love for Me” Buddy’ego Johnsona, c英語言う方法

Czy będzie to swingujący „Save Your

Czy będzie to swingujący „Save Your Love for Me” Buddy’ego Johnsona, czy przejmujące „The Day It rainer” Chuvy – za każdym razem głos Beaty cechuje lekkość frazowania, staranność interpretacyjna oraz emocjonalne podejście do kompozycji. W kilku przypadkach, jak wspomnianym „Golden Lady” czy „Wild Is the Wind” Neda Washingtona i Dimitri Tiomkina, można uwierzyć, iż są to piosenki specjalnie napisane dla naszej wokalistki.

„I Don’t Remember Ever Growing Up” Artie’ego Butlera odchodzi od wzorowego dotychczas wykonania Andy’ego Williamsa. Beata ma niebywały dar, który pozwala jej tchnąć nowe życie w czasem skostniałe już kompozycje.
Niebagatelną rolę w całym tym przedsięwzięciu odgrywa sprawdzony duet ulubionych muzyków artystki. Hiromu Aoki na fortepianie i Buca Necak na kontrabasie nie tylko akompaniują wokalistce, ale jeśli tylko nadarza się okazja, przejmują rolę muzycznych wirtuozów – tak dzieje się w „This Is All I Ask” i „Someone to Light Up My Life”.

„Golden Lady” to jedna z najciekawszych polskich pozycji minionego roku. Szkoda, że tak trudno w Polsce dostępna. Podobno w szufladzie Beaty Pater czekają na publikację kolejne odsłony akustycznych nagrań tria. Nie mogę doczekać się na ciąg dalszy.

Beata Pater – wokal, Aoki Hiromu (Japonia) – fortepian, Tadeusz Leśniak - instrumenty klawiszowe, Darek Ziołek – gitara basowa, Adam Buczek – perkusja
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Or will it be the swinging "Save Your Love for Me" Buddy Johnson, is a poignant "The Day It rainer" Chuvy-every time Mindy's voice is characterized by lightness of phrasing, diligence and interpretative emotional approach to composition. In a few cases, like the "Golden Lady" and "Wild Is the Wind" Neda Washington and Dimitri Tiomkina, can you believe that these are songs specifically written for our."I Don't Remember Ever Growing Up" Artie'ego Butler, from the model so far, the implementation of Andy Williams. Beata has a tremendous gift that allows her to breathe new life into sometimes already persona non grata.A decisive role throughout this project plays a proven favorite duet of musicians. Hiromu Aoki on piano and Buca Necak on double bass not only akompaniują staying at no.1, but if only occasion arises, take over the role of musical virtuosos-as happens in "This Is All I Ask" and "Someone to Light Up My Life"."Golden Lady" is one of the most interesting Polish position last year. It is a pity that so difficult in Poland. Apparently in a drawer waiting for next release Pater Beaty reads the acoustic trio recordings. I can't wait to get on the continued.Beata Pater-vocals, Hiromu Aoki (Japan) – piano, Leśniak-keyboards, Darius Ziołek – bass, Adam Buczek-drums
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Will it be a swing of "Save Your Love for Me," Buddy Johnson, or poignant "The Day It Rainer" Chuvy - every time the voice of Beata characterized by lightness of phrasing, accuracy of interpretation and emotional approach to composition. In a few cases, such as the aforementioned "Golden Lady" and "Wild Is the Wind" Ned Washington and Dimitri Tiomkin, you can believe that these are songs specially written for our singer. "I Do not Remember Ever Growing Up" Artie'ego Butler departs from the model performance so far Andy Williams. Beata is a remarkable gift that allows her to breathe new life into the sometimes ossified longer compositions. major role in this whole endeavor proven duo plays the artist's favorite musicians. Hiromu Aoki, the piano and the double bass Necak Buca not only accompany the singer, but if you only get the chance, take on the role of musical virtuosos - as happens in "This Is All I Ask" and "Someone to Light Up My Life". "Golden Lady "This is one of the most interesting Polish position last year. It is a pity that so difficult in Poland available. Apparently, Beata Pater in a drawer waiting for the publication of the subsequent scenes acoustic trio recordings. I'm looking forward to the continuation. Beata Pater - vocals, Hiromu Aoki (Japan) - piano, Tadeusz Lesniak - keyboards, Darek Ziółek - bass guitar, Adam Buczek - drums

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Whether it be swingujący "Save Your Love for Me" Buddy'ego Johnson, is taking over the day it Rainer" Chuvy - every time the voice of interpretative features lightweight phrasing, care and emotional approach to composition. In several cases, such as the "Golden Lady" or "wild is the wind" approximately Washingtona and Dimitri Tiomkina, can be believed,That these are the songs specially written for our singer.

"I ton't remember ever authors include Up" Artie' comment about ego and not deviate from the Andy Williams. Beata has superior gift, which allows you to breathe new life into your time already sclerotic compositions.
a major role in the whole undertaking has proven favorite musicians duet artist.Hiromu Aoki on the piano and Buca Necak akompaniują singer brings out all the double bass not only, but only if it is an opportunity, take a music virtuosos - this is the "This is all I ask" and "someone to light up My Life" .

"Golden Lady" is one of the most interesting Polish part of the year. It is regrettable that so difficult to in Poland available.Supposedly in the drawer Beata Pater waiting to start another publication acoustic trio recordings. I am not looking forward to the continued.

Beata Pater - vocals, Hiromu Aoki (Japan) - piano, Tadeusz Lesniak - keyboard instruments, Darek Ziołek - bass guitar, Adam Buczek - drums
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