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Czy wy nie czytacie forum? Wyraźnie

Czy wy nie czytacie forum? Wyraźnie jest napisane żeby przejmować zamki w SH. A wy macie to głęboko w d.
Potem będzie płacz, że idzie atak i nikt nie zdąży pomóc bo zamek na jakimś odludziu stoi. Tu nie chodzi o to by wyszukiwać dobrze rozwinięte zamki po całej mapie i je przejmować, tylko działać razem. Lepiej mieć 30-pkt zamek w SH niż 200-pkt na drugim skraju mapy czy też w centrum. Właśnie dlatego jesteśmy jednym sojuszem. Skoro nie możecie się dostosować do zasad nie wiem co tu robicie...
Proszę po raz ostatni, przejmować zamki tam gdzie należy. Jeżeli ktoś samemu nie potrafi - w Tawernie Militarnej piszesz a my ci pomagamy.
Kto przeczytał i zgadza się z tym niech napisze "ok" i usunie wiadomość. Koniecznie usunąć wiadomość !
Jak ktoś się nie zgadza, proszę napisać "nie" i także opuścić.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
If you do not read the forum? It is clearly written that assume locks in SH. And you have this deep in d. Then I will cry that goes and no one could help because the castle on some remote area. Here it is not about to find well developed castles across the map and take them, just run together. Better to have a 30-point lock SH than 200-point at the other edge of the map or in the Center. That is why we are one of the Alliance. If you are not able to adapt to the rules I do not know what you are doing.Please, for the last time, to take the castles where it belongs. If someone can not alone-in the Military and we will help you write a Tavern. Who has read and agrees to let him write "ok" and delete the message. Be sure to delete the message!If someone disagrees, please write "no" and also leave. Thank you.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Do not you read online? Clearly it is written to take over the castles in SH. And you have it deep in d.
Then I will cry that goes attack and nobody has time to help because castle stands on some remote area. It's not about that would search well developed castles all over the map and they worry only operate together. Better to have a 30-point castle in SH than 200 points on the other edge of the map or in the center. That is why we are one alliance. If you can not adapt to the rules I do not know what you're doing here ...
Please for the last time, take over the castles where it belongs. If someone alone can not - at Tavern Military and we are writing you to help.
Who has read and agrees let write "ok" and delete the message. Be sure to delete the message!
If someone does not agree, please write "no" and also to leave.
Thank you.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
if you don't read the forum? clearly says to take locks in sh and you're deep in the d
then will cry, that's attack and no one can help because the castle in the middle of nowhere. it's not looking to meet well developed locks across map and worry, just work together.better have a 30 - point castle in sh than 200 - point on the second edge of the map, or in the centre. that's why we're one alliance. if you can not adapt to the rules, i don't know what you're doing here... - for the last time, about the locks where be. if someone alone can't - tavern military writing and we're helping you.
who has read and agrees with this let write "ok" and remove the message. to delete this message.
if someone disagrees, please write "don't" and also leave. thank you

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