Tu nie chodzi o to co ja zrozumiałem z filmu, ale o to w co zdecydowałem się uwierzyć. Jeśli ktoś Ci powie "słuchaj to było tak, serio!" To już wystarczy? Nie miewasz wątpliwości, wierzysz we wszystko co usłyszysz
It's not about what I understood from the movie, but here is what I believe. If someone tells you "I say it was so real!" It's already enough? Don't you doubt, you believe everything you hear
It's not about what I understood from the movie, but it is what I chose to believe. If someone says "listen to it was so serious!" That's enough? No doubt you doing, believe everything you hear
Here it's not about what I say in the movie, but in what I have decided to believe. If someone you say "listen to this so seriously!" It is no longer enough? Do not encourage non doubt, you believe everything that you hear