The specifics narazenia zakladach workers in manual processing glass outside exposure to water spray includes also other factors, which result in an unsatisfactory visitor mogaa wystçpowanie dolegliwosci from the respiratory system, including dust, but in this case, narazenie applies equally to both test groups of employees.
To audit the zakladach industrial goods manual processing glass and read sic an overview of design, operation, and technical-sanitary status king wykazalo aerosol water, with the refrigeration equipment (such as washing machines, grinding machines, storage tanks water), bçdacych comforts establishments,Wystçpuja namnazania sic paleczek posted to conditions for Legionella and other micro-organisms (temp, water: 25.4 -42,5 °C; biofilm, corrosion, deposits). The results confirmed that scans microbiological water technology, taken from these devices, which has been shown both high overall liezbç bacteria (103 to 105 cfu/ml), and paleczek Legionella serogroup (LOMO4 cfu/100 ml).The results showed that all scans air stçzenie plesni bacteria, and fungi (about IO3 cfu/m3) in near-vertical. Signaling that micro-organisms in water technology can represent serious wiçc we've redesigned it and near the work stations.
Uczne published reports of zakazen pateczkami Legionella outbreaks in facilities industrial goods (19,25-29). In the report of 1996.Summarizes wystçpowania legionelozy in England and there were 6 collective WaUi zachorowan were nastçpstwem zakazenia employees establishments industrial goods (27). Similarly, analizujac 19 cases zachorowan plucnaa legionelozy, the form of registered in the period 2001-2004, Trondheim in Norway, it has been found that every orm less 4 of them were associated with narazeniem in electronics and electrical equipment.In 3 cases, bacteria isolated from the water with Legionella Wiez chlodniczych, in one - with water from the shower in zakladu przemyslowego (18).