Specyfika narazenia pracowników w zakladach mechanicznej obróbki szkla翻訳 - Specyfika narazenia pracowników w zakladach mechanicznej obróbki szkla英語言う方法

Specyfika narazenia pracowników w z

Specyfika narazenia pracowników w zakladach mechanicznej obróbki szkla poza ekspozycja na aerozol wodny obejmuje takze inne czynniki, które mogaa powodowac wystçpowanie dolegliwosci ze strony ukladu oddechowego, w tym pyl, jednak w tym przypadku narazenie dotyczy w równym stopniu obu badanych grup pracowników.

Przeprowadzenie audytu w zakladach przemyslowych mechanicznej obróbki szkla i zapoznanie sic z rozmieszczeniem, konstrukcja, dzialaniem i stanem techniczno-sanitarnym urzadzen generujacych aerozol wodny wykazalo, ze w urzadzeniach (takich jak myjki, szlifierki, zbiorniki do magazynowania wody), bçdacych wyposazeniem zakladów, wystçpuja sprzyjajace warunki do namnazania sic paleczek Legionella i innych mikroorganizmów (temp, wody: 25,4-42,5°C; biofilm, korozja, osady). Potwierdzily to wyniki badan mikrobiologicznych wody technologicznej, pobranej z tych urzadzen, w których wykazano zarówno wysoka ogólna liezbç bakterii (103-105 jtk/ml), jak i paleczek Legionella pneumophila (lOMO4 jtk/100 ml). Wyniki badan powietrza wykazaly najwyzsze stçzenie bakterii, plesni i grzybów (ok. IO3 jtk/m3) w poblizu myjek pionowych. Obecnosc mikroorganizmów w wodzie technologicznej moze wiçc stanowic powazne zródlo skazenia powietrza na stanowiskach pracy.

Opublikowano Uczne doniesienia o przypadkach zakazen pateczkami Legionella w obiektach przemyslowych (19,25-29). W raporcie z 1996 r. dotyczacym wystçpowania legionelozy w Anglii i WaUi odnotowano 6 zbiorowych zachorowan, które byly nastçpstwem zakazenia pracowników zakladów przemyslowych (27). Podobnie analizujac 19 przypadków zachorowan na postac plucnaa legionelozy, zarejestrowanych w latach 2001-2004 w Trondheim w Norwegii, stwierdzono, ze co naj mniej 4 z nich byly zwiazane z narazeniem w przemysle. W 3 przypadkach bakterie Legionella izolowano z wody z wiez chlodniczych, w jednym - z wody z prysznica na terenie zakladu przemyslowego (18).
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The specificity of exposure of workers in mechanical treatment of glass in addition to exposure to an aerosol of water also includes other factors that mogaa cause wystçpowanie problems with the site, including respiratory, dust vacuum, however, in this case narazenie applies equally to both studied groups of employees.Audit carried out in industrial mechanical treatment of glass and read the CIS arrangement, design, operation, and State of health and technical equipment generujacych water spray showed that factor (such as washing machines, grinding machines, water storage tanks), bçdacych equipment, conditions for nurturing wystçpuja bet namnazania sic paleczek Legionella and other microorganisms (water temp: 25.4-42.5 ° c; biofilms, corrosion, sludge). It has confirmed the results of the microbiological research of technological water, taken from these devices, in which it was shown both high overall liezbç bacteria (103-105 cfu/ml), and paleczek Legionella pneumophila (cfu/100 ml lOMO4). The results of the research have shown stçzenie the highest air bacteria and fungi plesni (ok. Io3 cfu/m3) near vertical washing. The presence of micro-organisms in the water can be wiçc technology serious source of air contamination in the workplace.Uczne published reports of cases of pateczkami infections of Legionella in industrial facilities (19,25-27). The 1996 report on wystçpowania legionelozy in England and there has been very little collective 6 WaUi, which were nastçpstwem infection of workers of industrial plants (27). Similarly, analyzing 19 cases very little on character plucnaa legionelozy, registered in 2001-2004 in Trondheim in Norway, it was found that what most less 4 of them were related to the narazeniem in the industry. In 3 cases, isolating Legionella bacteria from the water with bond, chill-out of the water with a shower in the bet industrial (18).
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The specificity of exposure of workers in the mechanical processing of glass except for exposure to water spray covers also other factors that may cause Occurrence ailments of the respiratory system, including dust, but in this case, exposure applies equally to both groups of workers. Conducting audits in factories industrial mechanical processing of glass and read sic with the location, design, operation and status of technical and sanitary appliances generating water spray revealed that in a device (such as washers, grinders, water storage containers), bçdacych equipment of establishments, occurs favorable conditions for proliferation sic Legionella and other micro-organisms (temperature, water: 25,4-42,5 ° C; biofilm, corrosion, sediment). This was confirmed by test results microbiological process water taken from these devices, which have demonstrated both the high overall liezbç bacteria (103-105 cfu / ml), and Legionella pneumophila (lOMO4 cfu / 100 ml). Air test results showed the highest STCz of bacteria, mold and fungi (approx. IO3 cfu / m3) near vertical washers. The presence of microorganisms in the process water Wicca can be a serious source of pollution of air in workplaces. Published Uczne reported cases of Legionella infections pateczkami in industrial facilities (19,25-29). In a report from 1996. Concerning the occurrence of Legionnaires' disease in England and WaUi recorded 6 collective of cases that were nastçpstwem infection workers industrial plants (27). Similarly, analyzing the 19 cases of Legionnaires' disease plucnaa figure recorded in 2001-2004 in Trondheim, Norway, found that at most less 4 of them were related to exposure in the industry. In 3 cases of Legionella bacteria isolated from water cooling towers in one - with water from the shower in the area of industrial plant (18).

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The specifics narazenia zakladach workers in manual processing glass outside exposure to water spray includes also other factors, which result in an unsatisfactory visitor mogaa wystçpowanie dolegliwosci from the respiratory system, including dust, but in this case, narazenie applies equally to both test groups of employees.

To audit the zakladach industrial goods manual processing glass and read sic an overview of design, operation, and technical-sanitary status king wykazalo aerosol water, with the refrigeration equipment (such as washing machines, grinding machines, storage tanks water), bçdacych comforts establishments,Wystçpuja namnazania sic paleczek posted to conditions for Legionella and other micro-organisms (temp, water: 25.4 -42,5 °C; biofilm, corrosion, deposits). The results confirmed that scans microbiological water technology, taken from these devices, which has been shown both high overall liezbç bacteria (103 to 105 cfu/ml), and paleczek Legionella serogroup (LOMO4 cfu/100 ml).The results showed that all scans air stçzenie plesni bacteria, and fungi (about IO3 cfu/m3) in near-vertical. Signaling that micro-organisms in water technology can represent serious wiçc we've redesigned it and near the work stations.

Uczne published reports of zakazen pateczkami Legionella outbreaks in facilities industrial goods (19,25-29). In the report of 1996.Summarizes wystçpowania legionelozy in England and there were 6 collective WaUi zachorowan were nastçpstwem zakazenia employees establishments industrial goods (27). Similarly, analizujac 19 cases zachorowan plucnaa legionelozy, the form of registered in the period 2001-2004, Trondheim in Norway, it has been found that every orm less 4 of them were associated with narazeniem in electronics and electrical equipment.In 3 cases, bacteria isolated from the water with Legionella Wiez chlodniczych, in one - with water from the shower in zakladu przemyslowego (18).
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