2. Przeznaczenie zbiornika do magazynowania innego czynnika roboczego niź określony na tabliczce wymaga uzyskania zgody organu właściwej jednostki dozoru technicznego.
3. Przed pierwszym napełnieniem zbiornika naleźy podjąç odpowiednie środki zapobiegające wystąpieniu ewentualnych zagroźeń w zbiorniku lub jego otoczeniu.
§ 69. 1. Wartośç masy netto ładunku zbiornika, dla napełniania metodą wagową, oblicza się według wzoru:
F × V Q = ———ρ0 [kg lub t]
gdzie poszczególne symbole oznaczają:
Q — wartośç masy netto ładunku zbiornika,
F — napełnienie zbiornika, o którym mowa w § 9 ust. 2, wyraźone w %,
V — pojemnośç zbiornika, wyraźona w dm3 lub m3,
ρ0 — gęstośç cieczy w najwyźszej temperaturze roboczej, wyraźona w kg/dm3 lub t/m3.
2. W obliczeniu, o którym mowa w ust. 1, nie uwzględnia się masy par cieczy lub powietrza w zbiorniku.
§ 70. Dopuszczalne napełnienie zbiornika, jeźeli zbiornik jest napełniany metodą pojemnościową, w zale źności od temperatury napełnienia, oblicza się według wzoru:
ρ0 Fn = — × F [%] ρf
gdzie poszczególne symbole oznaczają:
Fn — dopuszczalne napełnienie zbiornika,
ρ0 — gęstośç w najwyźszej temperaturze roboczej, wyraźona w kg/dm3 lub t/m3,
ρf — gęstośç w temperaturze napełniania, wyraźona w kg/dm3 lub t/m3,
F — napełnienie zbiornika, o którym mowa w § 9 ust. 2, wyraźone w %.
§ 71. 1. Wejście do zbiornika moźe nastąpiç po jego opróźnieniu, dokonaniu neutralizacji lub dezynfekcji i przewietrzeniu oraz innych czynnościach gwarantujących bezpieczeństwo, zgodnie z odrębnymi przepisami.
2. Inspektor moźe wejśç do zbiornika po uzyskaniu pisemnego zezwolenia od eksploatującego zbiornik.
§ 72. 1. Dopuszcza się wymianę osprzętu zbiornika, bez uzgodnienia z organem właściwej jednostki dozoru technicznego, na osprzęt tego samego typu oraz o tych samych parametrach.
2. Wymiana osprzętu powinna odbywaç się pod nadzorem osób odpowiedzialnych za kontrolę eksploatacyjną zbiornika i powinna byç odnotowana w postaci zapisów, o których mowa w § 66 pkt 2.
§ 73. 1. Podziemne zbiorniki oraz dna zbiorników naziemnych o osi pionowej wykonane ze stali węglowych lub stopowych powinny byç wyposaźone w system zabezpieczenia katodowego, z zastrzeźeniem ust. 4. System ten powinien gwarantowaç ujemny potencjał zbiornika w stosunku do gruntu.
2. the Purpose of the tank for the storage of another worker factor than specified on the rating plate shall be subject to the consent of the proper body of technical inspection.3. Before filling the tank is podjąç appropriate measures to prevent the occurrence of any zagroźeń in the tank or its surroundings.§ 69. 1. Wartośç the net weight of the cargo tank for filling by weight, shall be calculated according to the formula:(F) x V Q = — — — ρ0 [kg or t]100where the individual symbols means:Q-wartośç the net weight of the cargo tank,F — filling the tank, referred to in § 9 para. 2, wyraźone in%,V-pojemnośç tank, wyraźona in dm3 or m3,ρ0-gęstośç liquid in the najwyźszej operating temperature, wyraźona in kg/dm3 or t/m3.2. In the calculation referred to in paragraph 1. 1, no account shall be taken of the mass of pairs of liquids or air in the tank.section 70. The permissible filling the tank if the tank is filled with capacitive coupling clamp as per method, depending on the źności the temperature of filling shall be calculated according to the formula:Fn = ρ0 — × F [%] ρfwhere the individual symbols means:Fn-limits filling the tankρ0-gęstośç in the najwyźszej operating temperature, wyraźona in kg/dm3 or t/m3ρf — at gęstośç, wyraźona in kg/dm3 or t/m3F — filling the tank, referred to in § 9 para. 2, wyraźone in%.§ 71. 1. entry into the tank can nastąpiç after his opróźnieniu, making of neutralizing or disinfecting and przewietrzeniu and other operations to ensure safety in accordance with separate provisions.2. The Inspector can wejśç into the tank after obtaining written permission from the operator of a tank.§ 72. 1. exchanges may be accessory tank, without the agreement of the competent authority, technical supervision units, equipment of the same type and with the same parameters.2. Replacement of the fixture should odbywaç under the supervision of the persons responsible for the operational control of the tank and should be recorded in the form of the records referred to in section 66 (2).§ 73. 1. Storage tanks and ground tanks about the vertical axis of the carbon steel or alloy should be wyposaźone in the cathodic arc deposition scheme, paragraph zastrzeźeniem. 4. the System should gwarantowaç the negative potential of the tank in relation to the ground.

2. Purpose storage tank other than the specified working fluid on the plate requires the consent of the competent technical inspection unit.
3. Before the first filling the tank you should take appropriate measures to prevent any possible threats in the tank or its environment.
§ 69. 1. The value of the net weight of cargo tank for filling the gravimetric method, calculated using the formula:
F × VQ = --- ρ0 [kg or t]
where the individual symbols stand for:
Q - value of the net weight of the cargo tank,
F - filling the tank, referred to in § 9. 2, expressed in%,
V - total volume, expressed in dm3 or m3,
ρ0 - density of the liquid at maximum working temperature, expressed in kg / dm3 or t / m3.
2. In the calculation referred to in paragraph. 1, does not take into account the mass of vapors or air in the tank.
§ 70. Permitted fill the tank if the tank is filled with capacitive method, the dependencies of a filling temperature, calculated using the formula:
ρ0 Fn = - × F [%] ρf
where different symbols mean:
Fn - acceptable fill the tank,
ρ0 - density at maximum working temperature, expressed in kg / dm3 or t / m3,
ρf - density at filling, expressed in kg / dm3 or t / m3,
F - filling the tank, referred to in § 9. 2, expressed in%.
§ 71. 1. The entrance to the tank can be after its emptying, making neutralizing or disinfecting and airing, and other activities to ensure safety in accordance with separate regulations.
2. The inspector can enter the tank after obtaining written permission from the operator of a tank.
§ 72. 1. It is allowed to replace the tank fittings, without consultation with the authority competent technical inspection unit, for equipment of the same type and having the same characteristics.
2. Replacement hardware should be done under the supervision of those responsible for operational control of the tank and should be recorded in the form of records, referred to in § 66 item 2.
§ 73. 1. The underground tanks and bottoms of aboveground tanks with a vertical axis made of carbon or alloy steel They should be fitted with a cathodic protection system, subject to paragraph. 4. The system should ensure tank negative potential relative to the ground.

2. Intended use of the vessel for storing other factor working niź referred to on the plate shall require the consent of the competent technical supervision.
3. Before the first filling the tank naleźy podjąç appropriate measures to prevent any possible zagroźeń in the tank or its surroundings.
§ 69. 1. Wartośç net weight cargo tank,For filling, grading method is calculated according to the formula:
F X V Q = ---ñ0 (kg or t)
where the different symbols mean:
Q - wartośç net weight cargo tank,
F - fill tank, as referred to in paragraph 9 (2) thereof, wyraźone in % ,
V - pojemnośç wyraźona reservoir, in dm3 or M3,
ñ0 - gęstośç najwyźszej liquid in operating temperature, wyraźona in kg/dm3 or T/m3.
2.In the calculation referred to in paragraph 1, does not take into account the weight of liquid or air in the tank.
§ 70. The tank is filled, the tank is filled with the jeźeli capacitance, in ZALE źności from filling temperature, is given by the formula:
ñ0 Fn = - × F( %) ρf
where the different symbols mean:
Fn - the fill tank,
ñ0 - gęstośç najwyźszej in operating temperature, wyraźona in kg/dm3 or T/m3,
ρf - gęstośç at filling, wyraźona in kg/dm3 or T/m3,
F - fill tank, as referred to in paragraph 9 (2) thereof, wyraźone in % .
§ 71. 1. Input to the reservoir moźe nastąpiç after its opróźnieniu,The neutralisation or disinfection and airing and other activities that ensure safety, in accordance with the separate provisions.
2. The inspector moźe wejśç to tank after obtaining written consent from the operator.
§ 72. 1. Attachments may be exchanged, without the agreement of the competent authority's technical supervision,The attachment of the same type and with the same parameters.
2. Hardware Replacement odbywaç should be under the supervision of persons responsible for operational control tank and should be recorded in the form of records, as referred to in Article 66 paragraph 2.
§ 73. 1.Underground tanks and tank bottom ground with a vertical axis made of carbon steel or alloy cathodic protection system should be wyposaźone zastrzeźeniem, from paragraph 4. This system should gwarantowaç tank negative potential relative to the ground.