Results scans conducted in recent years in many countries indicate
, with around 87% of the time people stay
on the premises, buildings? What large czçsc falls on time spçdzony at work. One? Factors may
s stwarzac zagrozenie dia health at work stations s
, wydzielaj
ce skazony spray water into the air. Micro-organisms wystçpuj
CE naturally in the air s
wiçkszosci harmless dia. In the event of contamination, resulting
wystçpowania additional resources is needed? Enhanced pathogenic microorganisms in water technology to work stations, risk
reunited zakazen respiratory system is, however, wiçksze (1,2).Sufficiently high air humidity and dlugotrwaly time exposure of a worker establishments industrial goods on this type risks may wi
Zac sic? Numerous disorders, respiratory system such as asthma, allergic niezyt film sluzowej nose, bronchitis, problem with breathing, cardiovascular system diseases, digestive tract, niezyty gruzlica, allergic reactions,And also nasal sinus inflammation, conjunctivitis and acute viral upper respiratory infections (3). Zagrozenie dia human health can
stwarzac not only micro-organisms themselves, but also their metabolites - endotoxin and mycotoxins, which in bioaerozolach odgrywaja
rolç, degrading
c inflammatory reactions and thereby
c sic to deterioration lungs function (3-6).