Może chodzi o to, że jak Polak powie "polskie obozy zagłady" to i tak wszyscy wiemy co miał na myśli. Dlatego nikt nie zwracał uwagi. Jak mówi to obcokrajowiec to już nie do końca wiadomo, czy wie co mówi.
Maybe the point is that, as a pole, "Polish extermination camps" and so we all know what he meant. Therefore, no one paid attention.He says that a foreigner is no longer the end of the message, do you know what he says.
Maybe it is that as a Pole tells "Polish death camps" is, and so we all know what he meant. Therefore, no one paid attention. As a foreigner says it's not clear whether he knows what he says.
is it perhaps that polish says "polish extermination camps" and we all know what he meant. therefore, no one paid any is it a foreigner it is not clear whether he knows what he"s saying.