ty frajer jestes kurde w co ty grasz na jakiejs gownianej kunsoli zamiast czekac na prawdziwe gta v pc ktore zmiecie te gownosole i uncharted na moim pc to bedzie 4k a na tym gownie konsolowym to co?
You loser you're damn what you play on some gownianej kunsoli instead of wait for the real gta v pc that it sweeps away those gownosole and uncharted on my pc it will be 4 k and on this console shit what?
You're damn loser what are you playing at some shitty kunsoli rather than wait for a real gta v pc which will sweep away these gownosole and uncharted on my pc and it will be 4k on a console that shit, so what?
You frajer kurde you are in what you're playing on a gownianej kunsoli rather than wait for a true gta v pc which zmiecie these gownosole and uncharted on my PC that will be 4k and on the console gownie what?