Kilka dni temu miałem konto na forum, mimo to, że od użytkowników dostałem dobre oceny z swoje materiały na youtube, administracja i moderatorzy na forum niezbyt ogarniają i po prostu są chamscy, mogę powiedzieć nawet, że zostałem wyproszony słowem "wypierdalaj", no cóż, szkoda, konto usunąłem.
Chciałbym, żebyś to chociaż przeczytał. Pozdrawiam
A few days ago I had an account on the forum, despite the fact that users got good ratings with their material on youtube, administration and moderators on the forum not comprehend and i just chamscy are, I can say that I removed the word "fuck", well, too bad, I removed the account.I would like you to read it though. Best regards

A few days ago I had an account on the forum, despite the fact that the users got good grades from their materials on youtube, administrators and moderators of the forum too and just take in are pervy, I can even say that I have been asked to leave the word "fuck" , well, too bad, the account removed. I want you to read it though. Yours

A few days ago I had an account on the forum, in spite of this, that the users got a good evaluation of your content on youtube, the administration and the forum moderators and not simply are chamscy, i can say that I was even wyproszony word "wypierdalaj", well, injury, account i deleted.
I would like to, so that you are even though you have read. Yours Truly,