Doszedłem do tych wniosków, tak jak każdy dochodzi. Wpływa na mnie mnóstw różnych rzeczy, a ja dokonuję wyboru, które mi pasują i po jakimś czasie traktuję je jako własne. Co nie zmienia faktu, że nie należy tego nazywać samodzielnym myśleniem. Przy okazji, świetnie się wpisałeś w problem, który podejmuję, bo samodzielne myślenie i obiektywizm, to paradoksy. Można wyciągać wnioski, które są prawdziwe, stosując tezy, które im zaprzeczają... albo odwrotnie
I have come to these conclusions, as everyone comes. Affect me mnóstw different things, and I am doing a choice that fit me and after some time I treat them as my own. What does not change the fact that this should not be called an independent thinking. By the way, great you entered in the problem, which I was, because independent thinking and objectivity, it paradoxes. You can draw conclusions that are true by applying the thesis that contradicted ... or vice versa

I came to these conclusions, as everyone comes. It affects me a lot of different things, and I'm making a choice that fit me and after a while I treat them as their own. What does not change the fact that this should not be called independent thinking. By the way, I had a entered into a problem that I take, for independent thinking and objectivity, the paradoxes. You can draw conclusions that are true, using arguments that deny them ... or vice versa

I arrived to these proposals, so as each occurs. It affects me mnóstw different things, and I am I choose, which I match up and after some time I treat them as their own. What does not change the fact that this should not be called self-thinking. On the occasion, great entries in this problem, which I undertake, because self-thinking and objectivity, this paradox.You can draw conclusions, which are true, with theses, which denies them ... or vice versa