Rozumiem zasady polskiej gramatyki, w której jeżeli ostatnia litera skrótu jest ostatnią literą wyrazu, to kropki się nie daje. Tutaj jednak uznałem, że będę się trzymał zapisu obecnego w angielskiej pisowni
I understand the rules of grammar, in which if the last letter of the abbreviation is the last letter of the word, the dot does not give. Here, however, I decided that I'll stick to write current in the English spelling
I understand the principle of Polish grammar, in which if the last letter abbreviation is the last letter of the word, the dot is not given. Here, however, I decided that I would keep the current record in the English spelling
I don't understand the English grammar, in which if the last letter abbreviation is the last letter word, this period is not given. Here, however, I felt it was, that I will be present in the English spelling write grips