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Witamy na relacji "punkt po punkcie" z meczu pierwszej rundy Australian Open: Hiroki Moriya - Jerzy Janowicz!

Ogień i woda - tak zapowiada się mecz Jerzego Janowicza z Hiroki Moriyą. Polak słynie z jednego z najbardziej impulsywnych charakterów w tourze. 24-letniego tenisistę z Tokio każda matka w Japonii chciałaby na męża dla swojej córki. Pojedynek 1. rundy Australian Open czwarty w kolejności na korcie numer 7.

- Hiroki dobrze wygląda, dobrze się zachowuje, do tego dobrze się wypowiada. No, książę - mówi Eurosport.Onet.pl Akatsuki Uchida ze "Smash Magazine". W Japonii Moriya znany jest właśnie ze swojej ogłady, nie z wyników. Tymi akurat nie ująłby żadnej teściowej. 24-latek jest 146. w rankingu. Na poziomie ATP rozegrał zaledwie sześć meczów, z czego pięć przegrał. Pojedynek z Janowiczem będzie dopiero jego drugim w wielkim szlemie. Wcześniej grał jedynie w US Open w najlepszym dla siebie 2012 roku, ale zjadła go presja. Ivanowi Dodigowi urwał zaledwie trzy gemy.

W przeciwieństwie do aktualnie największej gwiazdy tenisa z Kraju Kwitnącej Wiśni Kei Nishikoriego Moriya to czysto japoński produkt. Nie wyjechał do akademii do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Tenisowo wychowywał się w Japonii i tylko w Japonii. - Jest bardzo szybki. Wszystko widzi, dlatego potrafi uderzać bardzo szybko, trochę jak Agnieszka Radwańska. Nienawidzi mączki. Lubi szybkie, twarde korty, choć ta nawierzchnia w Melbourne przez wysoki kozioł akurat nie jest dla niego najlepsza - charakteryzuje go dziennikarka.

Z tegorocznym Australian Open... zdążył się już pożegnać. Jak zawsze rywalizował w kwalifikacjach, ale powinęła mu się noga w ostatniej rundzie, gdy gładko przegrał z Belgiem Rubenem Bemelmansem 2:6, 2:6. Japończyk znalazł się jednak w czwórce najwyżej notowanych zawodników, którzy odpadli, ale mogli zostać lucky loserami, czyli dostać się do turnieju głównego kuchennymi drzwiami. Ta furtka otworzyła się, gdy z turnieju wycofał się Juan Martin del Potro. W losowaniu dopisało mu szczęście - trzej tenisiści, którzy byli przed nim, pominęli los z numerem 1.

Janowicz miał mierzyć się ze słynnym Juanem Martinem del Potro. Argentyńczyk doznał jednak kontuzji, więc "Jerzyk" otrzymał awans w prezencie od losu

Tenisiści kończą rozgrzewkę, za chwilę początek meczu

Zabawna sytuacja podczas rozgrzewki. Jerzy Janowicz zaserwował tak, że... trafił mocno jednego z chłopców od podawania piłek. Polak od razu przeprosił

Zakończyła się rozgrzewka, za chwilę początek meczu
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Welcome to the relationship "point by point" with a first round match at the Australian Open: Hiroki Moriya-Jerzy Janowicz! Fire and water-so the match promises to be a 1920 graduate of George from Hiroki Moriyą. The pole is one of the most impulsive characters in the tour. the 24-year-old tennis player from Tokyo in Japan every mother would like to for a husband for his daughter. Duel 1. the round of the Australian Open and the fourth in the order on the Court number 7. -Hiroki looks good, keeps well, to speak well. Well, Prince says Eurosport.Onet.pl Akatsuki Uchida with "Smash Magazine". In Japan, Moriya is known just for its Polish, not with the results. These just do not ująłby any mother. the 24-year-old is 146. in the ranking. At the level of the ATP, he played only six matches, with five lost. Duel with Janowiczem will be just his second in the Grand Slams were at. Previously played in only the U.s. Open at its best for you 2012, but ate it pressure. Ivan Dodigowi broke off just three story. In contrast to the currently biggest tennis stars with the national cherry blossom Kei Nishikoriego Moriya is a purely Japanese product. There he went to the Academy to the United States. Improving grew up in Japan and only in Japan. -It is very fast. Everything he sees, because he can strike very quickly, a bit like Agnieszka Radwanska. Hates meals. He likes fast, hard courts, although this surface in Melbourne by the high buck just is not best for him-it is characterized by a journalist. This year's Australian Open ... has to say goodbye. As always competed in qualifying, but he powinęła foot in the last round, when he lost to smoothly Belgian Rubenem Bemelmansem 2: 6, 2: 6. The Japanese, however, are found in the four highest ranked players who dropped out, but could be lucky loserami, that is, to get into the main event catering to the door. This gate is opened when the tournament retired Juan Martin del Potro. Very lucky in the draw him good luck-three tennis players who came before him, they missed los with the number 1. Janowicz had a deal with the famous Juan Martin del Potro. Argentine suffered the injury, however, so the "Swift" was promoted as a gift from fate Tennis players end up warm up for a while, kick Funny situation during the warm-up. Jerzy Janowicz they wished so that ... hit hard one of the boys from communicating the balls. Pole immediately apologized Was a warm-up for a kick
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Welcome to the relationship "point by point" from the first round of Australian Open: Hiroki Moriya - Jerzy Janowicz! Fire and water - that promises to match Jerzy Janowicz of Hiroki Moriya. Pole is famous for one of the most impulsive character of the tour. 24-year-old tennis player from Tokyo in Japan every mother wants a husband for his daughter. Duel 1. Round Australian Open fourth in the order of the court number 7. - Hiroki looks good, well behaved, this speaks well. Well, the prince - Akatsuki Eurosport.Onet.pl Uchida says that "Smash Magazine". In Japan, Moriya is known just for its refinement, not with the results. These ująłby not just any mother in law. 24-year-old is the 146th in the rankings. At the level of ATP played just six matches, including five lost. Janowicz will duel with only his second in a big Slam. Previously, he played only in the US Open at best for themselves, 2012, but it ate pressure. Ivan Dodigowi stopped just three gems. In contrast to the currently biggest tennis stars from the Land of the Rising Sun Kei Moriya Nishikoriego a purely Japanese product. There he went to the academy to the United States. Tenisowo grew up in Japan and only in Japan. - It is very fast. Everything he sees, so he can strike very quickly, a bit like Agnieszka Radwanska. He hates meal. He likes fast, hard courts, although the surface in Melbourne by a high trestle just is not best for him - it is characterized by a journalist. With this year's Australian Open ... he could no longer say goodbye. As always competed in qualifying, but powinęła his leg in the last round, when he lost to Belgian smoothly Ruben Bemelmans 2: 6, 2: 6. The Japanese, however, he found four of the highest ranked players who have dropped out, but they could be lucky loserami, or get into the main draw of the kitchen door. The gate opened when withdrew from the tournament, Juan Martin del Potro. The lucky draw finished writing it - three tennis players who came before him, missed a lot with the number 1. Janowicz was measured with the famous Juan Martin del Potro. However, the Argentinian suffered an injury, so the "Swift" was promoted as a gift of fate Tennis players end warm-up match for the moment, the beginning of a funny situation during the warm-up. Jerzy Janowicz has served so that ... hard hit one of the boys from the administration balls. Pole immediately apologized ended with a warm-up, in a moment the beginning of the match

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Welcome to the relationship "point by point" of the match first round of Australian Open: Hiroki Moriya - Jerzy Janowicz!

fire and water - so it's going to be a match with Hiroki Moriyą Jerzy Janovič wins Drawicz Award. A Pole is famous for one of the most bad guys in tourze trigger. 24-year-old tenisistę from Tokyo each mother in Japan would like to her husband for his daughter. The duel 1.Fourth round of Australian Open tennis in order to number 7.

- Hiroki looks good, well, to keep this well says. No, the prince says Eurosport.onet.pl Akatsuki Uchida with "Smash Magazine". Moriya in Japan is known for its finesse as well, not just the results. You're not any mother-in-law these would have put it. 24-year old is 146. In the ranking.The ATP level plays just six games, of which five lost. The duel with Janowiczem will be only the second in the grand szlemie. Earlier he played only in US Open in 2012, but the best for you ate it pressure. Ivan Dodigowi made just three gemy.

In contrast to the currently biggest stars of tennis Country thriving cherries Kei Nishikoriego Moriya is purely Japanese product. Is Not he went to the Academy of the United States. An elite tennis raised in Japan and Japan only. - It is very fast. Everything you see, so it can strike very quickly, a bit like Agnieszka Radwańska. Hate meal. He likes fast,Hard tennis courts, although this road in Melbourne by high Koziol you is not optimal for him - it is a journalist.

from this year's Australian Open ... is warmed already say goodbye. As always rivalled in skills, but powinęła him foot in the last round, when smoothly lost with Belgiem Rubenem Bemelmansem 2:6, 2:6.Kenyi has found, however, among the most quoted fighters, who there fell, but they could be lucky loserami, i.e. access to the main kitchen doors. This loophole is opened, when the tournament withdrew Juan Martin del Potro. In the prize draw lucky winners in his luck - three tenisiści, that were before him, suggested by los with number 1.

Janowicz was measured with the famous Juan Martin del Potro. However, he has suffered injury so wondered how a "promotion" has received as a gift from Jerzyk fate

Tenisiści arrive, warm up for a while start game

funny situation during warm-up. Jerzy Janowicz zaserwował yes, that ... was firmly one of the boys from feed balls. Pole immediately apologized

Completed a warm up, for a moment the game
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