Nie czuję się oszukany, lecz wiem że takie zabiegi mają na celu przyciągnięcie większej uwagi do danego filmu. Uważam że kto cię ogląda to i tak wejdzie w ten film. Nie chciałem cię urazić, jeśli to zrobiłem to przepraszam. Pozdrawiam cię Rock
I don't feel cheated, but I know that these treatments are aimed at attracting more attention to the movie. I believe that who you are watching it, and so will enter in this video. I did not want to offend if I did I apologize. I salute you Rock
I do not feel cheated, but I know that such treatments are aimed at attracting more attention to the film. I think that anyone who is watching you, and so enter into the movie. I did not mean to offend you if I did I apologize. Greetings Rock
Do not feel cheated, but I don't know that such procedures are intended to attract more attention to the video. I believe that who you are watching this and so will enter in this film. I did not you urazić, if I did this i'm sorry. Thanks you Rock