Na pewno młodzi ludzie mają wielkie marzenia w życiu, ale czy marzenia są tylko dla młodych ludzi? Kto o tym decyduje? Nie, nie, każdy może marzyć! Piszę e-maile i kartki lub wysyłam wiadomości do moich nauczycieli i przyjaciół.
Certainly young people have big dreams in life, but the dreams are only for young people? Who decides? No, no, everyone can dream! I write e-mails and cards or send messages to my teachers and friends.
Surely young people have great dreams in life, but are dreams just for young people? Who decides? No, no, anyone can dream! I write emails and cards or send messages to my teachers and friends.
I'm sure young people have big dreams in life, but are dreams just for young people? Who decides that? No, no, anyone can dream! I write e-mails and cards or send messages to my teachers and friends.<br>