§ 40. 1. Type-examination referred to in paragraph 39 (1) thereof, shall remain in force for safety devices referred to in Article 25 paragraph 1. Any other equipment or tank may be reported by producing for type-examination.
2. Generating prepares the reservoir or safety devices and report them to the competent authority of technical supervision.The application shall be accompanied by a statement by generating appropriate preparation copy to be transmitted to the test tank or device.
3. The Program type-examination shall be determined by the competent body technical supervision.
4.Research Program type should uwzględniaç requirements set out in the regulation, and obejmowaç check given in the technical documentation device parameters.
5. When carrying out a type without heavily encumbering or uznaç moźe research results and opinions made by specialised units or generating designer bądê research unit.
§ 41. 1.Type examination moźe be affected by family of vessels; in this case, shall be subjected to the test selected by the competent technical supervision copies of this whole.
2. Tanks may be classified in the same family, jeźeli:
1) shall meet the requirements of the same regulations,
2) are produced on the basis of this same technology,
3) have the same geometric shapes; various authoring moźe be only ułoźenie króçców,
4) are constructed of the same materials,
5) in the case of length, róźnej róźnią only dimensions, quantity and location inspection holes,
6) in the event of a pressure for the same external diameter, have the same or less length computing elements,
(7) bearing the same design, taking into account in the calculations most endurance
negative variant obciąźenia.
§ 42. 1. Type-examination should be carried out on a suitable stand as agreed with the competent authority technical supervision, the position in manufacturing or on-the-spot zaleźności settings on the device, in the device type,Research, build and spatial moźliwości.
2. In the tests moźe uczestniczyç the referring representative as an observer.