§ 35. 1. W fazie projektowania zbiornika powinna byç opracowana dokume翻訳 - § 35. 1. W fazie projektowania zbiornika powinna byç opracowana dokume英語言う方法

§ 35. 1. W fazie projektowania zbio

§ 35. 1. W fazie projektowania zbiornika powinna byç opracowana dokumentacja techniczna, którą wytwarzający lub osoba działająca w jego imieniu przedkłada w dwóch egzemplarzach organowi właściwej jednostki dozoru technicznego w celu jej uzgodnienia.
2. Dokumentacja techniczna, o której mowa w ust. 1, powinna zawieraç:
1) rysunek zestawieniowy,
2) obliczenia wytrzymałościowe podstawowych elementów zbiornika, z zastrzeźeniem § 7 ust. 6,
3) dane o osprzęcie i, jeźeli zbiornik ma byç wyposaźony w instalacje pomocnicze, schematy tych instalacji i dane o ich doborze,
4) technologię montaźu dla zbiorników scalanych na miejscu ustawienia.
3. Na rysunku zestawieniowym, o którym mowa w ust. 2 pkt 1, naleźy podaç:
1) wymiary konieczne do sprawdzenia obliczeń wytrzymałościowych,
2) nazwę i podstawowe właściwości czynnika roboczego,
3) parametry robocze i obliczeniowe,
4) gatunki materiałów, z jakich wykonane są elementy zbiornika, wraz z numerami odpowiednich norm,
5) rodzaj oraz dane dotyczące zabezpieczenia antykorozyjnego powierzchni wewnętrznej i zewnętrznej, warunki wykonywania badań i kontroli oraz przewidywany okres eksploatacji zbiornika,
6) numery norm dotyczących elementów znormalizowanych,
7) współczynniki wytrzymałościowe złączy spajanych i zakres badań nieniszczących tych złączy,
8) wymiary i rozmieszczenie lub zasady rozmieszczania złączy spajanych,
9) wymagania w zakresie obróbki cieplnej,
10) specjalne wymagania dotyczące wytwarzania i badań, w tym dane o próbie szczelności,
11) miejsce umieszczenia tabliczki,
12) w razie potrzeby ustalanej przez projektanta, dopuszczalne osiadanie fundamentu zbiornika i częstotliwośç pomiaru tego osiadania.
4. Elementy zbiornika, których nie przedstawiono dostatecznie wyraênie na rysunku zestawieniowym, powinny byç ujęte na odrębnych rysunkach.
§ 36. 1. Wytwarzający zbiornik powinien wystawiç dokument poświadczający, zwany dalej „poświadczeniem”, źe zbiornik ten został wykonany i zbadany zgodnie z dokumentacją techniczną oraz warunkami określonymi w uprawnieniu do wytwarzania.
2. Poświadczenie powinno byç wystawione równie ź w przypadku montaźu zbiornika na miejscu jego ustawienia.
3. Wytwarzający, który jest poddostawcą elementu zbiornika, wystawia poświadczenie dotyczące tego elementu według wzoru ustalonego przez organ właściwej jednostki dozoru technicznego w ramach uprawnienia do wytwarzania.
4. Wytwarzający powinien załączyç instrukcję eksploatacji do zbiornika przygotowanego do eksploatacji.
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
section 35. 1. In the design phase of the tank should be drawn up the technical documentation, that the manufacturing or the person acting on its behalf shall submit in duplicate to the body proper technical supervision unit to its understanding.2. The technical file referred to in paragraph 1. 1, should may include:1) figure zestawieniowy,2) calculation of the strength of the basic elements of the tank, with zastrzeźeniem § 7 paragraph 1. 6,3) data on machinery and, if the tank has to be equipped with the ancillary, these installations and data about their selection,4) montaźu technology for on-the-spot in the merged settings.3. zestawieniowym in the drawing referred to in paragraph 1. 2, paragraph 1, on the other hand serve:1) dimensions necessary to verify the strength calculations,2) the name and essential characteristics of the working factor3) parameters calculated and4) species of materials they are made of elements of the tank, along with the numbers of the relevant standards,5) the nature and particulars of security for internal and external surfaces, the procedures for the exercise of testing and inspection, and expected period of, the operation of the vessel,6) the numbers of standard content standards,7) strength factors of joints spajanych and scope of non-destructive testing of these connectors,8) dimensions and placement or deployment of connectors, spajanych9) requirements for heat treatment,10) special requirements for production and research, including data-leakage test11) place of placing tiles12), if necessary, be determined by the designer, settling Foundation tank and częstotliwośç measure of the subsidence.4. parts of the tank, which has not been sufficiently clearly in Figure zestawieniowym, should be included in separate drawings.§ 36. 1. Manufacturing tank should document certifying wystawiç, hereinafter referred to as "certificate", that this vessel was made and tested in conformity with the technical documentation referred to in the terms and conditions right to manufacture.2. the certificate should be issued as performance in the case of montaźu the place settings.3. Manufacturing, which is item poddostawcą tank, issues a certificate for that item in accordance with the model established by the competent body of technical inspection within the framework of the power to produce.4. Manufacturing załączyç to operation instructions should be prepared for operation.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
§ 35. 1. In the design phase of the tank should be developed technical documentation, which is producing or person acting on its behalf shall be submitted in duplicate authority competent technical inspection unit to its agreement.
2. The technical documentation referred to in paragraph. 1 should contain:
1) assembly drawing,
2) strength calculations the basic elements of the vessel, subject to § 7. 6,
3) data on the gear and, if the tank is to be equipped with auxiliary systems, and diagrams of installation and data on their selection,
4) assembly technology for tanks merged on site settings.
3. On the assembly drawing, referred to in paragraph. 2, point 1 should include:
1) the dimensions necessary to check the strength calculations,
2) the name and the basic properties of the working medium,
3) operating parameters and computing,
4) the species of materials from which they are made ​​vessel components, along with the numbers of the relevant standards,
5) the nature and details of corrosion protection inner and outer surfaces, the conditions of testing and inspection and the expected life of the reservoir,
6) the number of standards on standardized elements,
7) coefficients strength bonded joints and range of non-destructive testing of these connectors,
8) size and disposition or the principle of deployment of bonded joints,
9) requirements for the heat treatment,
10), special requirements for production and research, including data leak test,
11) place to place plates,
12) if necessary, as determined by the designer, the permissible tank and foundation subsidence The frequency of measurement of the settlement.
4. Vessel components, which are not shown sufficiently clearly stated on the assembly drawing should be included on separate drawings.
§ 36. 1. The manufacturing tank should issue a document certifying hereinafter referred to as "endorsement" that the tank has been manufactured and tested in accordance with technical documentation and conditions defined in the entitlement to manufacture.
2. The certificate should be issued as ¼ in case of installation of the tank on the place of its setting.
3. Producing, which is a subcontractor element tank issue a receipt for this item according to the formula established by the authority competent technical inspection unit under the power to manufacture.
4. Generating operating instructions should attach to the tank prepared for operation.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
§ 35. 1. Tank should be developed in the design phase, the technical documentation to manufacturing or the person acting on his behalf shall submit in duplicate to the appropriate unit technical supervision in order to its arrangements.
2. Technical documentation referred to in paragraph 1, should zawieraç:
1) figure summary,
2) The calculation of endurance tank components, with zastrzeźeniem § 7 (6) thereof,
3) Data on attachment and, jeźeli wyposaźony in tank is to be ancillary, diagrams of installations and data of their choosing,
4) technology for montaźu scalanych tanks on-site settings.
3. The figure exploded drawing, as referred to in paragraph 2, point 1, naleźy podaç:
1) Dimensions necessary to check the calculations strength,
2) the name and the basic properties of working,
3) operating parameters and computing,
4) species of materials, which are made the tank, together with the number of standards,
5) type data for the anti-corrosion protection and inner and outer surface,The performance of the tests and checks and life estimated tank,
6) numbers of standards for standardized,
7) endurance factors which she sewed and pieced together and bonded connectors and the non-destructive testing of connectors,
8) Dimensions and location of connectors or placement which she sewed and pieced together and bonded,
(9) requirements for heat treatment,
10) Special requirements for research and production, including the sealing of a,
(11) plate location,
12) if necessary fixed by the designer, the settling tank foundation and częstotliwośç this measurement settling.
4. The tank, which has been sufficiently wyraênie in figure exploded drawing,Should be included on separate drawings.
§ 36. 1. Generating the tank should wystawiç document, hereinafter referred to as "certificate", źe this tank was made and tested in accordance with the technical documentation and the terms and conditions set out in right to manufacture.
2.The certificate should be issued as ÿ for montaźu tank in his place settings.
3. Manufacturing, which is the tank poddostawcą, shall issue the for this element to the model set out by the relevant unit technical supervision in the powers to manufacture.
4.Manufactures should załączyç manual operation to the tank prepared for life.
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