Jednym ? mikroorganizmów, który moze wystçpowac w bioaerozolu i moze stanowic powazne zagrozenie dia zdrowia ludzi, s^ bakterie ? rodzaju Legionella (7-9). Zakazenie tymi bakteriami nastçpuje poprzez wdychanie zawierajacego te mikroorganizmy aerozolu wodnego, którego zródlem s^ kolonizowane przez nie instalacje wodne róznego typu i przeznaczenia (9,10). Podatne s^ na ni^ zwlaszcza systemy przesylu wody cieplej o temperaturze 20-40°C, których konstrukcja sprzyja zastojom wody i tworzeniu sic obrostów mikrobiologicznych na wewnçtrznej powierzchni urz^dzen i systemow wodnych (1,2,8,10-12). Obraz khniczny choroby rozwijajacej sic w nastçpstwie zakazenia drog^ wziewn^ moze przybierac formç legionelozy plucnej, przebiegajacej w postaci zapalenia pluc, zwykle o ciçzkim przebiegu, ? dominujacymi objawami ze strony ukladu oddechowego lub tzw. goraczki Pontiac, która przebiega ? podwyzszon^ cieplot^ ciala oraz rozlanymi bólami miçsniowymi i stawowymi (1,2).
One? micro-organisms that can wystçpowac in bioaerozolu and can be a serious threat to human health, the dia s ^ bacteria? the genus Legionella (7-9). Zakazenie these nastçpuje bacteria through the inhalation of these micro-organisms which contain water spray, which the source s ^ kolonizowane water installations by various type and purpose (9,10). Susceptible s ^ ^ especially the systems of hot water at a temperature of 20-40 ° c, which promotes the design and creating water zastojom sic obrostów wewnçtrznej on the device surface of the microbiological ^ device and water systems (1, 2, 8, 10-12). Picture khniczny growing disease of the CIS in the nastçpstwie infection of ^ wziewn ^ przybierac legionelozy formç can plucnej, przebiegajacej in the form of spit, usually of the ciçzkim course? dominujacymi symptoms from breathing gas or what is called. Pontiac fever, which runs? podwyzszon ^ cieplot ^ body and splashing miçsniowymi pains and EST: (1,2).

One? microorganisms, which can wystçpowac in bioaerosol and can pose serious risks to human health dia, p ^ bacteria? Legionella (7-9). Infection with these bacteria, the CPU via inhalation aerosol containing the micro-organisms of water, whose source p ^ colonized by aquatic plants of various types and destination (9,10). Susceptible s ^ ^ especially for non-transmission systems warmer water with a temperature of 20-40 ° C, the construction of which is conducive to stagnation of water and creating sic obrostów microbiological Internal outputs office space ^ Dzen and water systems (1,2,8,10-12). Image khniczny diseases in developing sic nastçpstwie tract infections, inhaled ^ ^ can take formç Legionnaires' disease pulmonary extend in the form of pneumonia, usually of ciçzkim mileage? The predominant symptoms from respiratory or so. Pontiac fever, which runs? ^ ^ elevated body temperature and diffuse miçsniowymi and articular pain (1,2).

One? Micro-organisms, which can wystçpowac in bioaerozolu and may represent serious zagrozenie dia human health, s
bacteria? Type of Legionella (7-9). These bacteria Zakazenie nastçpuje by inhalation aerosol water containing these micro-organisms, which give you s
kolonizowane by not water systems róznego type and destination (9,10). Susceptible s
on ni
Especially hot water systems transmitting at 20-40% Off °C, whose design promotes zastojom water and creating sic obrostów microbiological wewnçtrznej surface on the
covers and water systems (1,2,8,10-12). Image khniczny disease newest addition sic in nastçpstwie zakazenia roads
may przybierac formç legionelozy plucnej, przebiegajacej in a lungs,Of course, usually ciçzkim? Dominujacymi symptoms of the respiratory system or so-called Pontiac say where a given gold comes, that is? Podwyzszon
body and headaches miçsniowymi spills and rheumatic symptoms should be routinely screened for (1.2).