Ja jako matka zrobiłam bardzo dużo, dla swojego syna. Mam nadzieję, że teraz będzie radzić sobie sam. Mam plany na znalezienie własnego mieszkania, ale jestem teraz w bardzo ciężkiej sytuacji finansowej. Mam nadzieję, że jakoś sobie poradzę.
I, as a mother, I did very much, for your son. I hope that now you will deal itself. I have plans on finding their own homes, but I am now in a very serious financial situation. I hope that somehow going to manage.
I as a mother did a lot for his son. I hope that now it will cope alone. I have plans to find their own housing, but I am now in a very difficult financial situation. I hope that somehow I can manage.
i, as a mother i did very much, for your son. i hope that it will be on your own. i have plans to find his own apartment, but i am now in the very difficult financial situation. i hope i can do it.