I would like to communicate you with FaceTime of I-phone. Chciałbym się komunikować Ci FaceTime I-phone. chciałbym zakomunikować, że z facetime z i-phone.
Please let me know your i-phone telephone number.Please, let me know i-phone phone number.I would like to communicate you with FaceTime of I-phone.I would like to communicate You FaceTime I-phone.I would like to announce that facetime with i-phone.
I would like to communicate you with FaceTime of I-phone. I would like to communicate with you FaceTime I-phone. I would like to announce that the FaceTime i-phone.
please let me know your and - phone telephone number.please let me know and - phone number.i would like communicate you with the internet on facetime of and - phone.i would like to communicate to you the internet on facetime and - phone.i would like to communicate with the internet on facetime with and - phone.