2. Badanie budowy polega na sprawdzeniu:
1) zgodności wykonania zbiornika z wymaganiami określonymi w rozporządzeniu i dokumentacją techniczną, o której mowa w § 35 ust. 1,
2) stanu ścianek zbiornika,
3) jakości złączy,
4) oznaczeń,
5) wyposaźenia,
6) innych cech, zaleźnie od konstrukcji zbiornika i stosowanego materiału.
3. Elementy zbiornika, których badanie budowy wykonano u wytwarzającego, mogą nie byç poddawane powtórnemu badaniu podczas badania budowy całego zbiornika.
4. Zbiorniki poddane u wytwarzającego badaniu budowy bez kompletnego osprzętu powinny byç u eksploatującego poddane badaniu uzupełniającemu, po zainstalowaniu kompletnego osprzętu.
§ 47. 1. Zbiorniki powinny byç poddane próbie szczelności, o której mowa w § 45 pkt 2.
2. Rodzaj przeprowadzanej próby szczelności lub wymaganą jej czułośç oraz wysokośç ciśnienia próbnego określa dokumentacja techniczna zbiornika, o której mowa w § 35 ust. 1.
3. Wysokośç ciśnienia próbnego dla próby szczelności nie powinna byç niźsza niź:
1) dla zbiorników jednościankowych i zbiorników wewn ętrznych w przypadku dwuściankowych:
a) 0,75 bara (75 kPa) — dla zbiorników bezciśnieniowych,
b) 0,75 bara (75 kPa) plus najwyźsze ciśnienie robocze — dla zbiorników niskociśnieniowych,
2) 0,4 bara (40 kPa) — dla przestrzeni między zbiornikiem zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym zbiorników dwuściankowych.
4. Próby szczelności wykonuje się oddzielnie dla kaźdej przestrzeni zbiornika.
5. Zbiorniki, których konstrukcja nie pozwala na wykonanie ciśnieniowej próby szczelności, w szczególności zbiorniki z dachem pływającym, powinny byç poddawane hydrostatycznej próbie szczelności przy uźyciu wody lub próbie penetracyjnej. Dopuszcza się przeprowadzenie okresowych prób szczelności tych zbiorników przy uźyciu czynnika roboczego. Zastosowanie innego czynnika do wykonania próby szczelności, innej metody lub niźszego ciśnienia niź określone w ust. 3 i 7 wymaga uzyskania zgody organu właściwej jednostki dozoru technicznego.
6. Próby szczelności podczas badań typu powinny byç wykonywane jako hydrauliczne, z wyjątkiem prób, o których mowa w ust. 5.
7. Próby szczelności w ramach badań okresowych mogą byç przeprowadzane jako hydrauliczne, przy ciśnieniu próbnym 0,75 bara (75 kPa) lub jako pneumatyczne przy ciśnieniu próbnym 0,3 bara (30 kPa) albo jako inna próba, o której mowa w § 48 ust. 3.
2. construction involves checking:1) compliance with the requirements set out in tank performance regulation and the technical documentation referred to in § 35 paragraph 1. 1,2) State of the sides of the tank,3) quality connectors,4) determinations5) jewellery,6) other features zaleźnie the design of the tank and the material used.3. parts of the tank, which the study of construction done on manufacturing, may not be subjected to repeat testing during the test, the construction of the whole tank.4. Tanks subjected to in producing the study construction without a complete rigging should be operator subjected to follow-up after you install complete fittings.§ 47. 1. Tanks should be subjected to a leakproofness test referred to in § 45 para 2.2. type of leak tests carried out by or required of its czułośç and wysokośç test pressure determines the technical documentation of the tank, referred to in § 35 paragraph 1. 1.3. Wysokośç test pressure for tightness tests should not be niźsza than:1) for tanks and reservoirs of helically corrugated internal controls for endless:a) 0.75 bar (75 kPa) for non-pressurized tanks,b) 0.75 bar (75 kPa) plus najwyźsze working pressure for low pressure tanks,2) 0.4 bar (40 kPa) for the space between the internal and external tank tanks endless.4. leak Tests shall be carried out separately for the kaźdej space of the tank.5. Vessels whose design does not allow for the execution of a pressure vessel integrity tests, in particular tanks with floating roof, should be subjected to hydrostatic leak test using water uźyciu or try penetracyjnej. Shall be permitted to carry out a periodic leak test those tanks using uźyciu factor. The use of other factor to perform leak tests, another method or niźszego pressure than those referred to in paragraph 1. 3 and 7 requires the consent of the competent authority's technical supervision unit.6. leak tests should be performed as a hydraulic, with the exception of the trials referred to in paragraph 1. 5.7. leak Tests within the framework of the periodic tests may be performed as a hydraulic test pressure, 0.75 bar (75 kPa) or as a pneumatic test at a pressure of 0.3 bar (30 kPa) or as another trial, referred to in section 48 paragraph 4. 3.

2. Examination of the construction consists of checking:
1) compliance of the tank with the requirements of regulation and the technical documentation referred to in § 35 paragraph. 1,
2) the state of the walls of the reservoir,
3) the quality of the connectors
4) markings,
6) other characteristics, depending on the design of the tank and the material used.
3. Elements of the tank, which the study was performed in producing construction may not be subject to re-examination during the study construct the tank.
4. Tanks subjected in producing the study of building without a complete hardware should be tested at exploiting the endorsement, after the installation of the complete equipment.
§ 47. 1. Vessels shall be leak tested referred to in § 45 Section 2.
2. Type of tightness tests carried out or the required sensitivity of the test pressure and the amount determines the technical documentation tank, referred to in § 35 paragraph. 1.
3. The height of the test pressure for leak test should not be less than:
1) for single-walled tanks and containers inside ętrznych in the case of double-wall:
a) 0.75 bar (75 kPa) - for non-pressure tanks,
b) 0.75 bar (75 kPa) plus the maximum working pressure - for low-pressure tanks,
2) 0.4 bar (40 kPa) - for the space between the inner and outer tank double-wall tanks.
4. Leak test is performed separately for each area of the tank.
5. Tanks, whose design does not allow the execution of test pressure, in particular with a floating roof tanks should be subjected to hydrostatic leak test using water or an attempt penetration. Permitted to perform periodic leak testing of these tanks using the arrow medium. The use of another factor to perform the leak test, the other method or lower pressure than those referred to in paragraph. 3 and 7 requires the consent of the competent technical inspection unit.
6. Leak test during type tests should be performed as a hydraulic, with the exception of trials referred to in paragraph. 5
7. Leak test as part of periodic tests may be performed as a hydraulic test at a pressure of 0.75 bar (75 kPa) or a pneumatic test at a pressure of 0.3 bar (30 psi) or as another attempt, referred to in § 48 paragraph. 3.

2. The construction involves checking:
1) compliance with the requirements laid down in the implementing regulation and technical documentation referred to in Section 35 (1),
2) of vessel walls,
3) quality connectors,
4) marks,
5) wyposaźenia,
6) other characteristics, zaleźnie from tank structure and material used.
3. The tank,The construction was done in manufacturing, may not be subject to its examination of the tank during the test.
4. Tanks have been subjected to the test of construction without generating complete hardware should be subjected to the test in which supplementary, after installing complete attachment.
§ 47. 1. Tanks should be subjected to the test for leaks,As referred to in Article 45 paragraph 2.
2. Type carried out leak testing or required its czułośç wysokośç and pressure test the tank technical documentation referred to in Section 35 (1).
3. Pressure Wysokośç trial for leak testing should not be niźsza niź:
1) for receptacles and tanks jednościankowych internal dwuściankowych:
(a) in the case 0,75 bar (75 kPa) - for tanks couplers,
b) 0.75 bar (75 kPa) plus najwyźsze working pressure - for low pressure tanks,
2) 0.4 bar (40 kPa) for external and internal space between the tank tanks dwuściankowych.
4. Leak testing is carried out separately for kaźdej tank space.
5. Tanks,The design does not allow you to perform leak testing pressure vessels, in particular the floating roof, should be subjected to hydrostatic test for leaks by uźyciu penetracyjnej water or sample. Shall be permitted to carry out periodic testing of tanks at uźyciu working fluid.The other factor to perform leak testing, other methods or pressure niźszego niź referred to in paragraphs 3 and 7 shall require the consent of the competent technical supervision.
6. Leak testing during type-examination should be carried out as hydraulic, except for testing, as referred to in paragraph 5.
7.Leak testing in the periodic tests may be carried out as hydraulic pressure test, at 0.75 bar (75 kPa) or a pneumatic pressure test at 0.3 bar (30 kPa) or as another attempt, as referred to in Article 48 (3).