Od razu widać, że jesteś serdecznym i wyrozumiałym człowiekiem, fascynujące jak pozytywny wpływ ma religia na ludzi :) A... Do Twojej informacji. Nie jestem ateistą, ja po prostu lubię drzewa
Immediately you can see that you are warm and tolerant man, fascinating as a positive effect religion has on people:)AND ...For your information. I'm not an atheist, I just like the tree
It's obvious that you are cordial and understanding man, fascinating as religion has a positive impact on people :) And ... For your information. I'm not an atheist, I just like the tree
Right away, you can see that you are, cordial, where its organizers of that man, fascinating as a positive impact on human religion :)A ... to your information. I am not, I just enjoy ateistą tree