oktor trafiłam przypadkiem - to moja druga ciąża Pierwszą prowadził le翻訳 - oktor trafiłam przypadkiem - to moja druga ciąża Pierwszą prowadził le英語言う方法

oktor trafiłam przypadkiem - to moj

oktor trafiłam przypadkiem - to moja druga ciąża Pierwszą prowadził lekarz z niemal samymi idealnymi opiniami - jak dla mnie bez specjalnych fanfar Słabe opinie o Pani doktor mnie zaskakują Moje wrażenia są bardzo pozytywne - lekarka bardzo sympatyczna, rzeczowa i konkretna Mimo że nie jestem szczególnym przypadkiem, pamięta co jej mówiłam i nie czuję się jak anonimowa pacjentka Od ok. 30 tygodnia przy każdej wizycie pytała czy nie mam ochoty trochę odpocząć na zwolnieniu W końcu w 36 tygodniu niemal przymusowo wysłała mnie na zwolnienie Rzeczywiście, z wieloma dolegliwościami odsyła do innych lekarzy, ale uważam że jest to słuszne działanie - w końcu ona na prawdę nie jest kardiologiem czy internistą, więc dobrze, że nie próbuje sama dumać na tematy z innych specjalizacji. Badanie przeprowadza w miarę możliwości delikatnie (aczkolwiek nie zawsze jest to możliwe). Jest miła i uśmiechnięta i co ważne, na prawdę zawsze ma czas na dodatkowe pacjentki. Ja mogę Panią doktor z czystym sumieniem polecić.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
oktor I found by chance-this is my second pregnancy First ran the doctor with almost the same ideal opinions-as for me, no special fanfare Poor reviews about the lady doctor me surprise my impressions are very positive-the doctor very nice, kind and although I am not a special case, remember what it said and I don't feel like an anonymous patient. 30 week each visit she asked if I do not want to relax a bit on release at the end of the 36 week almost forcibly sent me a release Actually, with multiple ailments referred to other doctors, but I believe that this is the right action-in the end, it really is not a cardiologist or internal medicine, so that it does not try to same Muse on subjects from other specializations. The test shall be carried out as far as possible, gently (although this is not always possible). Is nice and smiling, and importantly, the truth always has time for additional patients. I a lady doctor in good conscience recommend.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Oktor I found by chance - it's my second pregnancy first lead physician with almost the same perfect views - for me without any special fanfare Poor reviews Doctor surprise me My impressions are very positive - the doctor very nice, businesslike and concrete Although I am not a special case, remember what I told her and I do not feel like an anonymous patient from approx. 30 weeks each visit she asked if I do not want some rest on vacation in the last 36 weeks almost forcibly sent me to release Indeed, many complaints refer to other doctors, but I think that this is the right action - in the end it really is not a cardiologist or internist, so well, that does not try to ponder the same topics with other specializations. The test is performed if possible slightly (although this is not always possible). It is nice and smiling and more importantly, on the truth always has time for additional patients. I can Lady doctor with a clear conscience recommend.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
i oktor case - this is my second pregnancy first ran the doctor with almost same perfect opinions - as for me without special fanfare weak opinions about doctor surprised me my impressions are very positive - that"s very nice, reasonable and specific even though i am not a special case, remember what i told her, and i don"t feel like anonymous patient from ok. 30 a week at each visit did not want a little rest to release finally in 36 week almost forcibly sent me to actually release, with many ailments refers to other doctors, but i believe that that is the right action - in the end, she really is not a cardiologist or internist, so good that is not trying to meditate alone on topics with other specialties. the test shall be performed where possible gently (although this is not always possible). it"s nice and smiling and what important truth always has time for additional patients. i can recommend the doctor with a clear conscience.
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