Należę do pacjentek bardzo zadowolonych z kompetencji Pani doktor. Tra翻訳 - Należę do pacjentek bardzo zadowolonych z kompetencji Pani doktor. Tra英語言う方法

Należę do pacjentek bardzo zadowolo

Należę do pacjentek bardzo zadowolonych z kompetencji Pani doktor. Trafiłam na wizytę w 7 miesiącu ciąży, po średnich doświadczeniach u innych lekarzy i już na pierwszej wizycie Pani dr skierowała mnie na dodatkowe badanie, zadzwoniła następnego dnia z informacją o nieprawidłowym wyniku i pomogła umówić wizytę u endokrynologa na pilną konsultację. Mogę ocenić to wyłącznie jako duży profesjonalizm. Myślę, że nawet gdyby diagnoza nie potwierdziła się, nie miałabym pretensji o tę konsultację. Ostatecznie ginekolog nie musi być ekspertem w innych dziedzinach medycyny. W czasie wizyty poświęciła mi dużo czasu, badanie było wnikliwe. Nie miałam żadnych negatywnych wrażeń.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
I belong to patients very satisfied with the competence of the doctor. I came for a visit at 7 months pregnant, after medium-sized experiences with other doctors and already on the first visit to the Dr. sent me for an additional test, she called the next day with the incorrect result and helped arrange an appointment with an endocrinologist for urgent consultation. I rate it only as a large professionalism. I think that, even if the diagnosis is not confirmed, I wouldn't complain about this consultation. Eventually, the gynecologist does not need to be an expert in other fields of medicine. During a visit to pay me a lot of time, the study was insightful. I didn't have any negative impressions.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
I belong to the patients very satisfied with the competence of the Doctor. I came to visit in the 7th month of pregnancy, the average experience of other doctors and already on the first visit dr directed me to an additional test, called the next day with the information about the abnormal result and helped arrange an appointment with an endocrinologist to an urgent consultation. I rate it only as great professionalism. I think that even if the diagnosis is not confirmed, I would not blame for this consultation. Finally gynecologist does not have to be an expert in other fields of medicine. During the visit, I spent a lot of time, the study was insightful. I have not had any negative experiences.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
i am very satisfied with the competence of the doctor"s patients. i went to visit in 7 months pregnant, after average experience with other physicians and on the first visit doctor sent me for additional study, called the next day with information about abnormal result and helped get an appointment with endokrynologa urgent consultation. i can judge it solely as a professional. i think that even if the diagnosis was confirmed, i would not blame him for this consultation. finally, gynecologist must not be expert in other areas of medicine. during the visit took me a long time, the study was insightful. i didn"t have any negative impressions.
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